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Agitating for change: Women wave flags during a demonstration in Kasbah Square, Tunis.     Photo: Panos / Alfredo D’Amato

Africa’s freedom struggles and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

By Franck Kuwonu
70 years since its adoption, the declaration has inspired liberation movements
Students at the African Leadership University in Mauritius. Photo: ALU website

Nurturing young leaders

By Franck Kuwonu
Training young African leaders can take societies to great heights

Security reform key to protecting women

By Ernest Harsch
Training, recruitment and prosecutions can reduce violence

Industrial countries write off Africa's debt

By Gumisai Mutume
But will the G-8 deal be hobbled by new conditions?

Women in North Africa secure more rights

By Mary Kimani
Despite hurdles, notable legal, political and social progress

Africa's rising information economy

By André-Michel Essoungou
In many countries, the ICT sector is no longer marginal

Senegal strives for Millennium goals

By Wilma Jean Emanuel Randle
Reducing poverty requires will, money and community action