
Economic Development

Economic Development

We must confront the legacy of slavery, tackle systemic racism

Epsy Alejandra Campbell Barr, Chair of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, emphasizes the need for African descendants and Africans to collaborate in addressing common challenges
Economic Development

Broaden national tax base for more resources, African countries told

UNECA’s Hanan Morsy also called for digitalization of tax filing, removal of tax exemptions and ensuring prudent public spending
Economic Development

Green financing could help Africa mitigate climate change effects

Green bonds through public private partnerships can fund such projects and programmes
Economic Development

AfCFTA: Upcoming Protocol on Women and Youth in Trade a chance to empower women

Policies must ensure benefits of economic growth are equitably distributed, with a particular focus on gender inclusivity.
Economic Development

Shifting the development paradigm in Angola

The people-centered, policy-backed and productive capacity-driven programme of the UN Conference on Trade and Development.
Betty Mtewele, a market vendor
Economic Development

2024: A year of cautious hope for African economies facing worldwide challenges

The continent's economic growth is expected to inch up to 3.5 per cent
Economic Development

Inclusion of Women and Land Rights as an avenue to accelerate the AfCFTA

Collective action in the form of women’s groups has greatly benefited women in negotiating access to land
Cassava farming in Liberia: Women’s rights to land must be legally recognized.

Intra-African trade provides an opportunity for inclusive economic growth

Women’s land tenure security is essential for both their empowerment at a micro-level as agricultural producers in a household and at a macro-level for unlocking transformative social and economic benefits
Ms. Diene Keita, UN ASG/UNFPA DED-Programme (Middle)
Sustainable development

Looking at Africa's future through the lens of progress, evidence and foresight

A reflection on a decade of commitment, collaboration, and African resilience
Economic Development


Working with local governments to change lives for the better