


16 February 2016

The deadly links between violent extremism and extreme poverty could be broken through the creation of jobs, a reduction in inequalities and by building just and inclusive societies, the General Assembly heard today.

12 February 2016

The General Assembly adoptes?a resolution?that "welcomes?the initiative by the Secretary-General, and takes?note of his Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.

11 February 2016

The UN Conference on Human Rights of Victims of Terrorism is taking place on Thursday 11 February from 10 am to 6 pm at the United Nations Headquarters.

11 February 2016

At a conference on the human rights of terrorism victims, the top UN political official urged Member States to engage with victims of terrorism and violent extremism to ensure that their human rights are fully respected.

09 February 2016

Jeffrey Feltman, the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs briefed the Council on UN counter-terrorism efforts against ISIL and its affiliates.

15 January 2016

Violent extremism is a direct assault on the United Nations Charter and a grave threat to international peace and security, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today while presenting a new plan of action to the General Assembly.

01 January 2016

On first January 2016, UNCCT started the implementation of a new 5-Year Programme, which establishes the future work of the Centre in the area of counter-terrorism capacity building to support the implementation of the Global Counter-Terrorism

17 December 2015

Stressing the need for States to work with the private sector to devise ways to prevent terrorists from exploiting the Internet while respecting human rights, the top United Nations political official today said curtailing the influence of

17 December 2015

At its first ever meeting at Finance Ministers’ level, the United Nations Security Council today stepped up its efforts to cut off all sources of funding for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIL) and other terrorist groups, including

17 November 2015

The United Nations Security Council held an already scheduled debate on conflict prevention today amid added urgency fuelled by last week’s terrorist attacks in Beirut and Paris, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressing that counter-