


16 January 2015 to 18 January 2015

On 16-18 January 2015, the CTITF Working Group on Promoting and Protecting Human Rights and the Rule of Law while Countering Terrorism held its first pilot training workshop, in Abuja, Nigeria. Twenty-three Nigerian security officials attended the

07 November 2014

At the 9th?Meeting of the UNCCT Advisory Board held?the Secretary-General presented his Vision Statement on the Future Role of UNCCT.?

21 October 2014

The UNCCT and the European Union co-hosted the Second International Conference entitled “Engaging Partners for Capacity-Building: United Nations’ Collaboration with Counter-Terrorism Centres,” in Brussels.

The side event “Towards a Terrorism-Free Society: 探花精选ful Co-Existence for the Promotion of Tolerance and Mutual Respect in Combating Terrorism” was held on 21 June as part of the Counter-Terrorism Week.