



The symbol of the related draft resolution and committee report should be copied from tag 993 of the UNBIS bibliographic record of the adopted resolution and recorded in subfield $a.


993 2 _ $a A/C.4/62/L.12
993 3 _ $a A/62/404
[General Assembly resolution A/RES/62/104]

993 2 _ $a S/2004/186
[Draft resolution S/2004/186 was adopted as Security Council resolution S/RES/1530 (2004)]

[Note: The use of subfield $b has been discontinued as of April 2008.]

In voting records of General Assembly resolutions adopted with vote, tag 993 has two subfields $a and $b.

The symbol of the related draft resolution is copied from the list of adopted resolutions provided by the General Assembly Affairs Office and recorded in subfield $a . The symbol refers to the Committee report that recommended the draft resolution for adoption.

The number of the draft resolution (e.g. Draft I, Draft II, Draft IV, etc.) is copied from the same list and recorded in subfield $b.


993 $a A/58/472 $b DR I
[General Assembly resolution A/RES/58/91 recommended for adoption as Draft I in the Committee report issued as A/58/472]

993 $a A/58/472 $b DR II
[General Assembly resolution A/RES/58/92 recommended for adoption as Draft II in the Committee report issued as A/58/472]

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Last updated: 28 April 2008