
Maritime Space: Maritime Zones and Maritime Delimitation

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The Law of the Sea Information Circular (LOSIC) is issued twice a year by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS), Office of Legal Affairs. Its objective is to communicate to all States and entities information on actions taken by States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (“the Convention”) in implementing that Convention, in particular regarding the deposit obligation, as well as to report on activities undertaken by DOALOS in this respect.

The purpose of LOSIC is also to assist States Parties to the Convention in discharging their obligations to give due publicityto information in accordance with the Convention.

La Circulaire d'information sur le droit de la mer est publiée deux fois par an par la Division des affaires maritimes et du droit de la mer du Bureau des affaires juridiques. Elle a pour objet d'informer les États et entités des mesures prises par les États Parties à la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer (la Convention) pour donner effet à ses dispositions, en particulier concernant les obligations de dépôt, et de faire rapport aux États et entités des activités menées par la Division dans le même but.

La Circulaire a également pour objet d'aider les États Parties à la Convention à s'acquitter de l'obligation que leur fait celle-ci de donner la publicité voulueaux informations pertinentes.

Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 38 - October 2013     English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 37 - May 2013           English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 36 - November 2012  English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 35 - May 2012           English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 34 - October 2011      English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 33 - May 2011            English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 32 - October 2010      English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 31 - April  2010          English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 30 - October 2009      English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 29 - June 2009           English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 28 - October 2008      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 27 - April 2008           English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 26 - October 2007      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 25 - April 2007           English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 24 - October 2006      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 23 - April 2006           English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 22 - October 2005      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 21 - April 2005           English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 20 - October 2004      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 19 - April 2004           English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 18 - October 2003      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 17 - March 2003         English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 16 - October 2002      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 15 - March 2002         English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 14 - October 2001      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 13 - March 2001         English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 12 - October 2000      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 11 - March 2000         English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 10 - October 1999      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 9 - February 1999     English/French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 8 - November 1998   English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 7 - March 1998         English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 6 - September 1997 English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 5 - March 1997        English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 4 - September 1996English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 3 - May 1996           English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 2 - October 1995      English| French
Law of the Sea Information Circular No. 1 - June 1995          English| French

Additional information: ►of the |►|►|►|►|►|

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The Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations makes every effort to provide the most up-to-date information available to it at this website.

However, it should be understood that information contained therein may not necessarily reflect all information made available to the Division, although it is revised and updated continuously. This material is for information purposes only, and the United Nations assumes no liability whatsoever with regard to the accuracy of the data. Regarding the content of any part of this collection, States and other users are invited to bring to the attention of the Division any omissions or new developments (DOALOS Email; fax:  (212) 963-5847).

The designations employed and the presentation of the material on this site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Publication on this site of information concerning developments relating to the law of the sea emanating from actions and decisions taken by States does not imply recognition by the United Nations of the validity of the actions and decisions in question.

Registration under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations of an instrument, such as a maritime boundary delimitation agreement, submitted by a Member State does not imply a judgement by the Secretariat on the nature of the instrument, the status of a party, or any similar question. It is the understanding of the Secretariat that its action does not confer on the instrument the status of a treaty or an international agreement if it does not already have that status and does not confer on a party a status which it would not otherwise have.