
CPD51_ written statements by NGO_Agenda item 3

 NGO written statements

  • Imam Ali鈥檚 Popular Students Relief Society. 

  • Women鈥檚 Health and Education Center. 

  • International Federation for Family Development. 

  • Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights.

  • Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW), Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries, International Planned Parenthood Federation (Africa Region), Stichting dance4life. 

  • Korean Association for Supporting the SDGs for the UN (ASD). 

  • Diplomatic Council e.V.

  • SOS 脡ducation. 

  • International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. 

  • Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights  (YCSRR). 

  • C-Fam, Inc. 

  • Marie Stopes International. 

  • FEMM Foundation. 

  • International Young Professionals Foundation. 

  • World Youth Alliance. 

  • Federation for Women and Family Planning. 

  • Priests for Life.

  • Islamic Research and Information Artistic & Cultural Institute. 

  • International Planned Parenthood Federation. 

  • People of Good Heart.
