
Side events: Information for organizers

Commission on Population and Development  &²Ô²ú²õ±è;

Fifty-sixth session  &²Ô²ú²õ±è;

Information for organizers of side events  &²Ô²ú²õ±è;


Side events, activities organized outside the formal programme of the Commission’s 56th session, provide an excellent opportunity for Member States, Observer States, Observers, UN entities and civil society to discuss issues related to the special theme of the Commission or present relevant initiatives.  A calendar of side events will be made available on the website of the 56th session.  &²Ô²ú²õ±è;

General information on the organization of side events for the 56th session &²Ô²ú²õ±è;

  • Both in-person and virtual side events can be included in the calendar of side events 
  • Side events may take place during the week of the session (10-14 April 2023) or in the two weeks prior to session.  
  • Side events are usually scheduled to take place during the lunch break, that is, from 13:15 to 14:30 EDT. Early-morning events, that is, from 08:30 to 09:45 EDT, may be convenient for virtual participants from different time zones.   &²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  • Side events should not conflict with plenary meetings of the 56th session (see Organization of work).  &²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  • Organizers should plan to hold their event in English or make their own arrangements for simultaneous interpretation. 

In-person side events 

  • In-person side events at UN Headquarters may be hosted only by Permanent Missions, intergovernmental organizations or United Nations system entities. NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC may be co-sponsors. 
  • Organizers of in-person side events are responsible for all logistical arrangements and should contact DGACM directly regarding room availability and services. 

Virtual side events 

  • Virtual side events may be sponsored by Permanent Missions, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations system entities or NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC.  â€¯â€¯&²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  • Organizers of virtual events will be responsible for all logistical issues, such as making arrangements for the virtual platform to host their event, organizing the programme, liaising with participants for registration, addressing technical issues during the event, etc.   &²Ô²ú²õ±è;


  • Organizers are invited to send full information about their planned side events to the Secretariat (e-mail  cpd@un.org) by 20 March 2023 for inclusion in the calendar of side events. Information should include a flyer or concept note, registration information or meeting link, and contact information.  &²Ô²ú²õ±è;