
Latest Statements by former USG Mr Sha Zukang - 2011

Date Meeting Location
16 December 2011 2nd Intersessional (Closing) New York
15 December 2011 2nd Intersessional (Opening) New York
13 December 2011 Eye on Earth Summit Abu Dhabi, UAE
12 December 2011 Rio+20 Ministerial Session Abu Dhabi, UAE
2 December 2011 ECE Prep Meeting (Closing) Geneva
1 December 2011 ECE Prep Meeting (Opening) Geneva
30 November 2011 Sustainable Use of Oceans Principality of Monaco
18 November 2011 China Sustainable Development Forum Zhuhai, China
18 November 2011 China National Model UN Changsha, China
18 November 2011 Ecosystem Management and Green Economy Beijing, China
16 November 2011 Water, energy and food security Bonn, Germany
4 November 2011 Substantive Preparations for Rio +20 Conference Room 4 (NLB), New York
4 November 2011 Post 2015 Development Agenda New York
3 November 2011 Major Groups on Rio+20 New York
1 November 2011 Advisory Group of the IYC New York
31 October 2011 2nd Committee Agenda Item: SD New York
31 October 2011 International Year of Cooperatives Launch New York
25 October 2011 EGM on Green Agriculture for Rio+20 Tel Aviv
24 October 2011 Global Geospatial Information Management Seoul, Republic of Korea
20 October 2011 ESCAP Closing Remarks Seoul, Republic of Korea
19 October 2011 Launch of New UN Office Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Repulic of Korea
19 October 2011 Rio+20 Regional Preparatory Meeting Seoul, Republic of Korea
18 October 2011 International Civil Aviation Organization Montreal, Canada
17 October 2011 UN Conventions to Combat Desertification Changwon, Republic of Korea
11 October 2011 Green Economy Best Practices Warsaw, Poland
7 October 2011 Luxembourg High-Level Symposium ECOSOC Chamber, New York
5 October 2011 OISCA International Tokyo, Japan
4 October 2011 Delhi Ministerial Dialogue on Green Economy and Inclusive Growth New Delhi
3 October 2011 Third Committee of the GA New York
3 October 2011 Second Committee of the GA New York
3 October 2011 Green Economy and Inclusive Growth New Delhi
30 September 2011 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Retreat for Permanent Representatives on the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) Greentree
27 September 2011 Internet Governance Forum Nairobi, Kenya
26 September 2011 High Level Ministerial Forum (pre-IGF) Nairobi, Kenya
23 September 2011 Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 New York
22 September 2011 To the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24 Washington D.C.
14 September 2011 Wilton Park Conference on Environmental Emergencies Montreux
9 September 2011 High-Level Symposium on the UNCSD (Closing) Beijing
8 September 2011 High-Level Symposium on the UNCSD Beijing
25 July 2011 High-level Meeting on Youth Round Table New York
21 July 2011 IFSD Discussion (Concluding Remarks) Solo, Indonesia
19 July 2011 High-Level Dialogue on Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development Solo, Indonesia
13 July 2011 21st session of UN-INTOSAI Symposium Vienna
12 July 2011 Anniversary of UN Declaration on the Right to Development Geneva
11 July 2011 Development Cooperation Forum Advisory Group Meeting Geneva
11 July 2011 Global Economic Governance and Development Geneva
8 July 2011 Dialogue with the Regional Commissions Geneva
8 July 2011 Economic and Social Council (Closing Remarks) Geneva
6 July 2011 Briefing of the WTO Committee on Trade and Environment Geneva
5 July 2011 2011 Annual Ministerial Review and the Thematic Discussion Geneva
5 July 2011 Current Developments in the World Economy Geneva
5 July 2011 Press Launch of the World Economic and Social Survey 2011 Geneva
4 July 2011 Senior UN officials with Local Youth Geneva
28 June 2011 National Press Club Event, Speaker Series 2011 Washington, D.C
20 June 2011 Sub-Regional Preparatory Meeting of the UNCSD Georgetown, Victoria, Apia
20 June 2011 Open-Ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea New York
16 June 2011 UN Communication Segment on Rio+20 New York
15 June 2011 Countdown to Rio+20 featuring Rio the Movie New York
11 June 2011 International Union of Railways (UIC) New York
3 June 2011 Ceremony to launch a campaign to give ample public knowledge of Rio+20 Rio de Janeiro
2 June 2011 GA thematic debate on green economy New York
24 May 2011 UNESCO Future Forum and UN-ECE Public-Private Roundtable Forum on Green Economy Paris
18 May 2011 Global Migration Group (Closing Session) New York
18 May 2011 Third Expert Meeting for South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development New York
16 May 2011 Tenth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues New York
13 May 2011 To The Conference on e-Government in Asia and The Pacific New York
13 May 2011 To The Ministerial Interactive Discussion On Strengthening Major Groups Participation (CSD-19) New York
12 May 2011 To The Ministerial Interactive Discussion: Strengthening Country Level Implementation (CSD-19) New York
2 May 2011 Opening of the 19th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development New York
28 April 2011 To the Annual Ministerial Review, Global Preparatory Meeting (Closing Statement) New York
20 April 2011 To the Foundation Roundtable for Rio+20 New York
20 April 2011 Interactive Dialogue on Harmony with Nature (Closing Remarks) New York
14 April 2011 Launch Event of the Padis-Int New York
14 April 2011 The Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24 Washington D.C.
13 April 2011 44th Session of the Commission for Population and Development (Agenda Item 5: General Debate on the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development) New York
13 April 2011 44th Session of the Commission for Population and Development (Agenda Item 5: General Debate on the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development) New York
11 April 2011 44th Session of the Commission for Population and Development New York
4 April 2011 10th Session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) New York
28 March 2011 4th Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Addis Ababa
28 March 2011 African Union-ECA Joint Meeting: Panel 1 – Green Economy and Global Sustainability Addis Ababa
21 March 2011 13th Session of the Committee for Development Policy New York
8 March 2011 The Second Preparatory Meeting of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development New York
8 March 2011 The Second Preparatory Meeting of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Side Event on UN-wide Contribution to Supporting Countries to Make a Transition New York
7 March 2011 The Second Preparatory Meeting of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Opening Remarks) New York
28 February 2011 Closing of ECOSOC Special Event on Philanthropy New York
28 February 2011 CECP’s Special Dinner New York
28 February 2011 Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM of CSD-19) New York
15 February 2011 ECOSOC Organizational Session New York
9 February 2011 49th Session of the Commission for Social Development New York
3 February 2011 UNFF9 High Level Ministerial Segment High level Roundtable on Forests and Rio+20 New York
3 February 2011 High-Level Dialogue with the Heads of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests Member Organizations New York
2 February 2011 Global Launch of the International Year of Forests (Forests 2011) New York
24 January 2011 The Ninth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests New York
19 January 2011 Twenty-fourth General Assembly of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations New York
18 January 2011 Statement at the ECOSOC Organizational Session New York
13 January 2011 Statement at the CSD Intersessional Meeting on Sustainable Consumption and Production Panama City
12 January 2011 G77 Chairmanship Handover Ceremony New York
11 January 2011 Closing Remarks – The First Intersessional Meeting of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development New York
10 January 2011 The First Intersessional Meeting of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) New York