
Spotlight on the UN General Assembly

#UNGA sign at entrance of UN

Live blog of world leaders' week at the United Nations, New York - covering the General Assembly and other happenings in and around headquarters

20 Sep 2023 - 16:14
Dominican Republic President

Speaking now at UNGA78 - Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona, President of the Dominican Republic, addressed the situation in Haiti : "We face uncontrollable actors who foment insecurity in Haiti for their particular interest and are now conspiring against the security of their own government. There can be no doubt that the problem of Haiti is no longer just in Haiti. It is in the hands of the international community. The Security Council must authorize urgently the UN backed security mission ... and support the creation of a multinational backed force to assist the Haitian police."

20 Sep 2023 - 15:54

A world of debt

people holding up SDG cubes

3.3 billion people live in countries that spend more on debt interest than education”, says Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). And “developing countries are paying 4 to 8 times more in interest rates than developed countries”. Grynspan expounds on the drivers of the global debt crisis as well as solutions, including the UN Secretary-General’s call for an SDG Stimulus.

20 Sep 2023 - 15:27

Innovators: Young people invent award-winning eco-toilet

Young entrepreneurs from Kenya have designed an award-winning eco-toilet that produces manure and chicken feed. Saniwise Technologies also sells the by-products to local farmers, like 77-year-old John Ochieng. a hot, humid morning on Mr. Ochieng’s farm on the outskirts of Kisumu, near a small lagoon, the bright and healthy 77-year-old strides through the fields in bare feet. Along the way, he collects a bag of manure from Chelsea and Steven. “I met Chelsea and Steven over there by the lagoon,” he said, pointing back the way he came. “I was curious about the toilet they had built. They told me that it makes manure and chicken feed, so I bought some samples from them. I like the products. The manure helps my crops grow very green and fruitful. When I gave my chickens the feed, they enjoyed it. It’s good to see young people helping themselves." .

20 Sep 2023 - 15:21

Are we running out of time?

As the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, the offers science-based guidance and strategies to its 23,000 participants in 166 countries, along with “accelerator” programmes for companies to set science-based targets and achieve results.

In shipping news, a fresh strategy adopted in July is poised to set global shipping on an ambitious path towards phasing out greenhouse gas emissions.


20 Sep 2023 - 15:16

Time for a quick lunch break!

Did you know that the UN cafeteria serves up fresh produce from its own backyard kitchen garden?

Okra, rosemary, tomatoes and more grow under sprays of sunflowers and lavender that keep it bee-friendly.

The compost comes from New York City, and the gardening team is made up of UN staff volunteers. Even during the COVID-19 lockdowns, volunteer staff came to water, tend and harvest the fresh produce.

20 Sep 2023 - 15:08

Did you know?

The UN asks all of its 193 Member States how they prefer to spell their names? Once a 20th-century coveted item clutched closely by new UN staff, what’s become known as the “Blue Book” is now online.

You can find the and local .

Want to find out who was who in the 1940s? The UN Digital Library lists all , but older editions, from 1946 to 1993 are available for consultation in the UN Dag Hammarskj?ld Library.

20 Sep 2023 - 15:07

Raising awareness of the Act Now campaign

Ingrid Silva (ballerina and activist), Javier Mu?oz (artist and activist ), Alessandro Armillotta (co-founder and CEO of AWorld) and Nanette Braun (UN Department of Global Communications) explore the connection between individuals’ actions and achieving the SDGs and raise awareness for the ActNow campaign and how it can be an important tool for both individuals and organizations to drive action. ActNow is the United Nations campaign to inspire people to act for the Sustainable Development Goals. Close to 15 million concrete actions have been taken around the world.

20 Sep 2023 - 15:04

Redesigning fashion storytelling: a playbook for change - SDG Media Zone at the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly

20 Sep 2023 - 14:57
Lithuanian President

Gitanas Naus?da, President of the Republic of Lithuania arrives at the UN GA hall to deliver his statement. He told assembled delegates that while Lithuania is resolutely committed to averting, minimizing and addressing climate change, an old-style colonial war is back in Europe. "The international community can no longer allow Russia to manipulate and abuse global rules. Its numerous crimes, such as the wholesale destruction of Ukrainian cities and towns, murder of thousands of innocent civilians and displacement of millions, bring disgrace upon the UN Security Council, where Russia still sits as a permanent member with the power of veto."

20 Sep 2023 - 14:52
texting in the SC

The Great Disconnect: When President Zelenskyy spoke today (and earlier this week) at the Security Council, Russia’s Permanent Representative pulled out his phone and started scrolling. It didn’t go unnoticed. Ukraine’s Permanent Representative returned the gesture just now as Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov got his turn.

20 Sep 2023 - 14:48

Veto Power - who has it and how does it work?

President Zelenskyy spoke in the Security Council meeting today on Ukraine where he called for Russia to lose its right to veto

The five permanent members of the Security Council have a UN Charter-mandated special voting power known as the “right to veto”. It was agreed by the Charter drafters that if any one of the five permanent members cast a negative vote in the 15-member Council, the resolution or decision would not be approved.

All five permanent members have exercised the right of veto at one time or another. If a permanent member does not fully agree with a proposed resolution but does not wish to cast a veto, it may choose to abstain, thus allowing the resolution to be adopted if it obtains the required number of nine favourable votes.

What did the say about this earlier this year?

20 Sep 2023 - 14:45
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, first female president of the UN General Assembly.

Women's representation at UN meetings needs major improvement. There have only been four female Presidents of the General Assembly in 78 years.

is the video of the first woman PGA, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit of India, elected in 1953.

20 Sep 2023 - 14:42

Tackling mis/dis-information: an urgent frontier for action

disinformation panel

Denial, distortion, and falsehoods about well-established scientific climate facts are flooding social media feeds, online news platforms, broadcasts and ad spaces. Vanessa Nakate (Climate activist, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador), Paul Goodloe (Meteorologist, The Weather Channel) and Jake Dubbins (Co-Founder, Conscious Advertising Network, member of Climate Action Against Disinformation) discuss ways to combat climate mis- and disinformation.

“We need the voices of those on the frontlines of climate change to be platformed and amplified,” said Vanessa Nakate.

20 Sep 2023 - 14:42

What does P5 mean anyway?

The Security Council has been holding a meeting on Ukraine and the issue of the veto came up.

The creators of the UN Charter conceived that five countries — China, France, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) [succeeded in 1990 by Russia], United Kingdom and the United States — because of their key roles in creating the Organization, would continue to play key roles in the maintenance of international peace and security.

They were granted the special status of “Permanent Member States at the Security Council”. Now, they are known as the “P5”.

20 Sep 2023 - 14:33
China in SC

"History has proven conflict produces no winners," Ma Zhaoxu, China's Executive Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs told the Security Council. "We support parties in maintaining communication with Russia and Ukraine on the Black Sea grain deal with a view to protecting global food security."

20 Sep 2023 - 14:28
Korea in GA

Speaking now at UNGA78 Yoon Suk Yeol, President of the Republic of Korea, said: "The nuclear and missile programs of North Korea pose a challenge to South Korea, the Indo-Pacific region and across the globe. It is paradoxical that a UN permanent member of the Security Council, entrusted as the ultimate guardian of world peace, would wage war by invading another sovereign nation and receive arms and ammunition from a regime that blatantly violates UN Security Council resolutions."

20 Sep 2023 - 14:26

Fashion storytelling

"Redesigning fashion storytelling: a playbook for change: Supermodel, actress and activist Amber Valletta address a panel discussing the sustainability of the fashion sector: "We must transform this sector. That means reducing production impacts but also shifting patterns of excess consumption and confronting a narrative that is focused so strongly on newness, immediacy and disposability."

20 Sep 2023 - 13:52

Ms. Maria Ressa (right), CEO and President of Rappler, and the 2021 Nobel 探花精选 Laureate, stated that we have more regulations for a toaster than for AI. It's time to implement safeguards, with education being the long-term solution and legislation in the short term.

20 Sep 2023 - 13:44
France in SC

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said at the Security Council meeting on Ukraine: "France will continue to act according to shared principles : right of self-defense, justice and dignity, and solidarity. France will continue to provide military and civilian aid to Ukraine, to support Ukrainian and international jurisdictions in their fight against impunity for the crimes committed by Russia and to step up support to countries most hard hit by the global food crisis caused by Russia."

20 Sep 2023 - 13:37

Climate Ambition Summit