

The Third United Nations Conference on the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC3) logo is available for use in the six official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish).

You are free to use the LLDC3 logo as per our guidelines.


If permission is required, please submit a sample or mock-up illustrating how you intend to use the icons or logo, along with a brief description of the desired use and the signed waiver (as specified in our guidelines) to Ms Gedi Tang, gedi.tang@un.org, indicating LLDC3 LOGO REQUEST in the subject line IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.


Pin in a suit with the LLDC3 branding


Download the logo in your language (formats EPS, PNG, and SVG)

Logo in English
Logo in Russian
Logo in French
Logo in Spanish
Logo in Chinese
Logo in Arabic