
The UN Chronicle team would like to share with you the following selection of recently published articles:


A Closer Look at Child Labour in Timor-Leste—Challenges and Progress Towards Ending the Practice

By Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia, Deputy Representative, UNICEF Timor-Leste

This article looks at ongoing efforts to end child labour in Timor-Leste, where 10 per cent of children between the ages of 5 and 12 are engaged in economic activities.

Promoting Evidence-Based Prevention Strategies to Mitigate the Harms of Drug Use: The Role of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

By Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director, Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

This article calls for greater investment in drug prevention programmes and interventions that are person-centred and grounded in evidence, while emphasizing the importance of systems that support children and youth.

What if We Could Put an End to Loss of Precious Lives on the Roads?

By Miguel Barreto, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Guatemala

In this article, the Resident Coordinator in Guatemala discusses the efforts undertaken by United Nations agencies in support of stronger road safety practices in the country, where mortality rates due to car crashes are the highest in the region.

Sailors for Sustainability: Sailing the Globe to Document Proven Solutions for Sustainable Living

By Floris van Hees and Ivar Smits, the “Sailors for Sustainability”

This is the story of the Sailors for Sustainability, who sail their small vessel around the world, finding and highlighting projects and practices that show how we can live in harmony with nature and each other.

These articles may be republished locally in line with fair use, with indication that they first appeared on the UN Chronicle website and a link to the same. Please let us know if any are selected for republication.

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