Released:?3 September 2011?

Country:?United States?

Director:?Steven Soderbergh??

Producers:?Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher, Gregory Jacobs??

Writer: Sott Z Burns

Lead Actors:?Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet??


This thriller, directed by Steven Soderbergh, tells the story of an international team of doctors, coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO), who have to deal with the rapid spread of a deadly pandemic virus.?

CCOI’s Role:

CCOI facilitated consultations between the filmmakers and WHO to ensure a realistic depiction of the events. Moreover, CCOI organized the appearance of Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, as a guest speaker at the Global Creative Forum in Los Angeles in March 2011, which brought together experts from the UN system and leaders from the Hollywood film industry?

Related UN Issues:

Sustainable Development Goals - #3 Good Health and Well-being?and #6 Clean Water and Sanitation

News Coverage: