
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

In 2022 the world is experiencing one of the largest backslides of global immunization rates in history. Now is the only chance we have to work together, to pull resources and invest in vaccinating humanity against all diseases and illnesses. And we must do it together! .

In the 2000s millions died waiting for the first ARVs until knowledge was shared, intellectual property barriers were overcome, and production was globalized. Yet for COVID-19 vaccines and many new HIV technologies that path is being blocked—and we are repeating mistakes of the past. The world will remain unprepared to end AIDS, unprepared to fight COVID-19, unprepared for pandemics of the future, as long as monopolies prevent global access to the best science, from COVID vaccines to new HIV technologies. This is a call on the world to join a movement to ensure pandemic-science for HIV and COVID-19 reaches not just the rich, but all who need it.

SDG Goal 3: Good health and wellbeing with drawing of heart monitor line and heart


Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


Bringing Midwifery Back to a Northern Canadian Community

From hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, to the elimination of malaria in Argentina and rabies transmitted by dogs in Mexico, in public health in the Americas.

Women Leading the Response to HIV in their Communities

Ahead of World AIDS Day, marked every year on 1 December,  has launched a highlighting the critical need to support community organizations in expanding access to antiretroviral therapy, supporting adherence to treatment and reaching the people most affected by HIV. The report warns that harmful laws and policies in many countries, as well as crackdowns, or restrictions on many community groups and campaigns, are putting their life-saving work in jeopardy. Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is one of the targets of Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Agenda.

Bhutan's Changemakers in Crimson Robes

Twenty-five years ago, the world was a different place. Incredible progress has been made in so many areas. So why haven’t we seen as much progress for women’s health and rights?

The True Cost of Discrimination

Because impairment is widely seen as a natural part of the ageing process, many older people with disabilities are shut out from receiving the support they need.

Suicide is never the answer. This video provides  with information on how to help students look after their mental health.

As part of efforts to strengthen the electricity supply system in Gaza, with funding from the government of Japan has installed solar photovoltaic systems for 188 households.

1,000 Survivors: Harnessing Hope to End an Ebola Outbreak

Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide.