
UN Women

The people of Gaza are in the midst of an epic humanitarian catastrophe. UNWOMEN of how women and girls in Gaza have endured attacks and displacement. 

Women鈥檚 demonstration in Quito, Ecuador

Worldwide, nearly one in three women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence at least once in her life. Yet only 5% of government aid goes to addressing gender-based violence, and less than 0.2% to its prevention. We need more investment in women's organizations, legislation, justice and services for survivors. This International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25) marks the start of our 16-day activism campaign, to demand action. Spread the message: !

On 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, launches an annual UN-wide campaign. During the following 16 Days of , the UN entity dedicated to gender equality asks governments, institutions and citizens to show how much the world cares about ending violence against women and girls under the theme ". Some 736 million women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner, sexual violence by a non-partner, or both, at least once in their lives. No country is within reach of eliminating intimate partner violence.

UN Women is partnering with FIFA on two calls to action: the first to 鈥淯nite for Gender Equality鈥 and the second to 鈥淯nite for Ending Violence against Women, critical for a peaceful and sustainable world.

According to a launched by and , no country has achieved full gender parity and fewer than 1 percent of women and girls live in a country with high women鈥檚 empowerment and a small gender gap. Analysis of 114 countries has found that women鈥檚 power and freedom to make choices and seize opportunities remain largely restricted. Globally, women achieve, on average, 72 percent of what men achieve across key human development dimensions, as measured by the Global Gender Parity Index (GGPI), reflecting a 28 percent of gender gap.

As peacekeeping has evolved throughout the years, women have been increasingly deployed in police, military, and civilian operations. Their heightened representation continues to have a tangible impact on peacekeeping environments. This year marks the 75th anniversary of which honors all uniformed and civilian individuals who have served and continue to serve in UN peacekeeping operations around the world for their valuable contributions to peace. celebrates the contributions of women peacekeepers

UN Women highlights the importance of collecting gender-environment data to improve women and men鈥檚 lives. It shows women and men in Tonga talk about their interactions with the environment, the effects of climate change, and the impact of disasters.

Everything you need to know about the 67th session of the 鈥(SCW); a.

higlights the need for inclusive and transformative technology and digital education for a sustainable future. Bringing women and other marginalized groups into technology results in more creative solutions and has greater potential for innovations that meet women鈥檚 needs and promote gender equality.

In 2022, amidst conflict, crisis, and a growing global pushback on gender equality, pushed forward. Looking ahead to 2023, the UN agency is calling on everyone around the world to work together to ensure that women鈥檚 rights are upheld, their leadership is guaranteed, their needs are met in times of crisis, and their lives are always free of violence.

In the midst of interlinked crises around the world threatening progress on women鈥檚 rights and pushing women out of the paid economy, Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway called on leaders of the global business community to put women at the heart of economic growth and recovery. UN Women has observed that care that is appreciated and properly valued in all its forms is a critical missing link in unlocking the full potential of women in the economy and in society.  Watch the video to find out more.

As 71 million people in the developing world  in just three months as a direct consequence of global food and energy price surges, tackles barriers facing rural women.

As an Artivist, Nikkolas Smith's mission is to inspire people to take action and make a positive change in the world. His latest artwork is part of an exhibition presented and organized by the . The exhibition highlighted the importance of engaging men and boys in eliminating female genital mutilation.

The 探花精选 Agreement in Colombia, signed in 2016 between the government and the guerilla FARC-EP, put an end to the longest war in Latin America. A short documentary offers an intimate look at the personal story and daily life of Marinelly Hern谩ndez, a former guerrilla fighter, including her challenges and achievements as peacebuilder, woman, mother, and leader of her community. supports the reintegration of former FARC-EP female guerrilla fighters with actions that promote their citizenship, political leadership, and economic empowerment to reinforce their role as peacebuilders.

report on how Syrian women have been instrumental in mediating various conflicts by leveraging relationships and through their knowledge on the conflict and its parties.