

In 2022 the world is experiencing one of the largest backslides of global immunization rates in history. Now is the only chance we have to work together, to pull resources and invest in vaccinating humanity against all diseases and illnesses. And we must do it together! .

Sexual health is relevant throughout a person鈥檚 life, from  into  鈥 not only during one's reproductive years. It is determined by the quality and safety of people鈥檚 relationships: with oneself and other individuals, with family and friends, and the society in which we live, including the gender norms that shape our experiences. These relationships are themselves dependent on whether everyone鈥檚 human rights related to their sexuality are realised and protected. On (4 September), celebrates every person鈥檚 right to sexual wellbeing.

Globally, only half (52%) of children living with HIV are on life-saving treatment, far behind adults where three quarters (76%) are receiving antiretrovirals, according to the data that has just been released in the . Concerned by the stalling of progress for children, and the widening gap between children and adults, , , and partners have brought together a global alliance to ensure that no child living with HIV is denied treatment by the end of the decade and to prevent new infant HIV infections.

Millions of refugees and migrants face poorer health outcomes than their host communities, especially where living and working conditions are sub-standard, according to a .

Women in the health and care sector face a larger gender pay gap than in other economic sectors, earning on average of 24 percent less than peers who are men, according to a new joint by the and .

The largest sustained decline in childhood vaccinations in 30 years has been recorded in data published by and . According to the agencies, global vaccination coverage continued to decline in 2021, with 25 million infants missing out on lifesaving vaccines such as DTP. The decline was due to many factors including an increased number of children living in conflict settings where immunization access is challenging, COVID-19 related service and supply chain disruptions and resource diversion to response efforts.

Every 30 seconds someone loses their life to hepatitis B or C. Almost 90 percent of people living with viral hepatitis are unaware that they have it. is observed each year on 28 July to raise awareness of viral hepatitis, which causes inflammation of the liver that leads to severe disease and liver cancer. On , WHO is highlighting the need for bringing hepatitis care closer to the primary health facilities and communities, so that people have better access to treatment and care, no matter what type of hepatitis they may have.

activities on the intend to increase awareness and provide tools to foster benefits and constrain risks stemming from dual use life sciences and technologies. Using its role as a leader in public health globally, WHO works with Member States and relevant stakeholders to harness responsible science and to establish mechanisms for adopting changes in practice that support safe, secure and responsible life sciences.

welcomes the political declaration on Global Road Safety committing to cut road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030, a milestone for road safety and sustainable mobility.

The SunSmart Global UV app for mobile phones that provides localized information on ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels, has been launched by , , and .

The (WHO) has revealed new information on the extent to which tobacco damages both the environment and human health, calling for steps to make the industry more accountable for the destruction it is causing. Every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than 8 million human lives, 600 million trees, 200 000 hectares of land, 22 billion tonnes of water and 84 million tonnes of CO2. The WHO report 鈥溾 highlights that the industry鈥檚 carbon footprint.

The harmful impact of the tobacco industry on the environment is vast and growing adding unnecessary pressure to our planet鈥檚 already scarce resources and fragile ecosystems. Tobacco kills over 8 million people every year and destroys our environment, further harming human health. This year鈥檚 campaign for  (31 May) aims to raise awareness on the environmental impact of tobacco 鈥 from cultivation, production, distribution and waste. It will give tobacco users one extra reason to quit.

highlights the increasing use of online marketing for alcohol and the need for more effective regulation - young people and heavy drinkers are increasingly targeted by advertising.

If You Could See Viruses is a video that illustrates how viruses are all about, and reminds us of the power of vaccines to help us live longer healthier lives so we can enjoy every moment, especially the joyful, glorious, unforgettable ones.

Dr. Kate O鈥橞rien, Immunization Director at the World Health Organization, takes us on a historical tour from the development of the first modern vaccine in the late 18th Century, to the new vaccines that are combatting today鈥檚 COVID pandemic. The United Nations, and its partners in the COVAX facility, are ensuring that vaccines reach every low-income country in the world.