
The (IPCC), UN body for assessing the science related to climate change, launches a new report: “ This document provides the latest knowledge on past warming and future warming projections. It shows how and why the climate has changed to date, including an improved understanding of human influence on the climate including extreme events. The report is possible thanks to 234 report authors and experts all over the world that regularly assess the rich body of scientific literature and papers.

This year's prize honours trailblazing Indigenous and local solutions for people and planet, including the Asociación de Mujeres Indígenas del Territorio Cabécar Kábata Könana, in Costa Rica.

Learning is key to finding solutions and creating a more sustainable world. We must change the way we live and care for our planet. Join UNESCO’s campaign calling on the world to invest in education for sustainable development and ensure that it is embedded in learning systems globally. For the survival of our planet, we need to .

Restoring a fragile ecosystem in the face of climate crisis

Iraq - A New Era

Devishi Jha,18, is climate activist and Director of Partnerships at Zero Hour, an international youth-led climate justice organization. Jha speaks up for climate action because she wants a secure future for her generation and those to come after. introduces this young changemaker leading the way. Youth advocates are extremely conscious and are paving the way for future action in sustainability and climate justice, so it is imperative to collectively listen to those voices.

, actor, singer-musician and Goodwill Ambassador for the , explains how the is our roadmap to creating a world of clean air and clean energy, with vibrant forests and oceans. As we approach , collective action to limit global temperature rises has never been more urgent. This is the first in a series of explainers called "Within our grasp". Narrated by environmentalists around the globe, "Within our grasp" shows how the Paris Agreement will help tackle the climate crisis.

Honduras: Climate change, coronavirus and caravans

 takes a deep dive into the subject, showing the links between problems caused by worsening climactic factors, and violations of rights, such as the rights to life, culture, housing and food. 

The Climate Action Note displays the state of the climate, what’s happening now, the progress made and what needs to be done to tackle the climate emergencies.

The impacts of our changing climate are being felt worldwide, but countries already struggling with conflict, poverty and high levels of displacement are dealing with some of the most severe effects. From Afghanistan to Central America, droughts, flooding and other extreme weather events are hitting those least equipped to recover and adapt. This Earth Day, UNHCR released a new that shows how our warming world is compounding risks for people already living with conflict and instability, driving further displacement, and often decreasing possibilities for return.

The UNDP-led Equator Initiative announces its . 

At a time when we face enormous challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is heartening to see the world mobilizing as never before to tackle the looming crisis of global warming. From renewable energy to carbon markets to sustainable agriculture, countries are taking steps to address emissions and enhance resilience. But despite all the positive momentum, there is one area in particular that requires urgent action: transport. Without decarbonizing transport, no scenario for achieving the 1.5-degree climate goal is feasible, and there we are currently heading in the wrong direction. The global transport sector emits around 24 percent of the world’s total energy-related carbon emissions, and this is expected to grow by 60 percent by 2050. 

From Sudan to Afghanistan to Bangladesh, the effects of climate change are creating more need for humanitarian aid in the form of food, shelter and medical care. The impacts are  and those with the least resources to withstand climate shocks and stresses. Over half of all humanitarian crises are somewhat predictable and 20 per cent are very predictable. Yet less than 1 per cent of humanitarian appeals funding is channelled to . Extreme climate- and weather-related events are more common and severe, yet most humanitarian responses continue to be launched only after extreme weather events have already resulted in critical damages to the most vulnerable people. We need to prevent extreme weather events from becoming humanitarian disasters through more effective disaster risk reduction and management, including early warning, anticipatory action and early action.