
Climate Change

As preparations gear up for this November鈥檚 COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, the leading scientific body responsible for assessing the latest evidence on climate change said that human activity is 鈥渋ndisputably鈥 to blame. Although it鈥檚 perhaps little comfort for the many millions affected by weather disasters today, Jonathan Lynn, Spokesperson for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change () told 鈥檚 Daniel Johnson, that there is a chance that by limiting greenhouse gas emissions, we can slow down sea level rise and significantly slow global warming.

The (IPCC), UN body for assessing the science related to climate change, launches a new report: 鈥 This document provides the latest knowledge on past warming and future warming projections. It shows how and why the climate has changed to date, including an improved understanding of human influence on the climate including extreme events. The report is possible thanks to 234 report authors and experts all over the world that regularly assess the rich body of scientific literature and papers.

Restoring a fragile ecosystem in the face of climate crisis

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Devishi Jha,18, is climate activist and Director of Partnerships at Zero Hour, an international youth-led climate justice organization. Jha speaks up for climate action because she wants a secure future for her generation and those to come after. introduces this young changemaker leading the way. Youth advocates are extremely conscious and are paving the way for future action in sustainability and climate justice, so it is imperative to collectively listen to those voices.

, actor, singer-musician and Goodwill Ambassador for the , explains how the is our roadmap to creating a world of clean air and clean energy, with vibrant forests and oceans. As we approach , collective action to limit global temperature rises has never been more urgent. This is the first in a series of explainers called "Within our grasp". Narrated by environmentalists around the globe, "Within our grasp" shows how the Paris Agreement will help tackle the climate crisis.

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Illustration of smoking chimneys with a letter x superimposed over a red background

Top international energy and climate leaders from countries representing the vast majority of global GDP, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are taking part in the .  The Summit will be a critical opportunity to take stock of the growing list of commitments from countries and companies to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. It also seeks to accelerate the momentum behind clean energy and to examine how countries can work together more effectively to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in line with shared international goals. !

Illustration of smoking chimneys with a letter x superimposed over a red background

The requests each country to outline and communicate their post-2020 climate actions, known as their (NDCs), to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Together, these climate actions determine whether the world achieves the long-term goals of the Agreement and reaches global peaking of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as soon as possible. Thereafter, countries will undertake rapid reductions on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.

calls on organizations, businesses, universities, governments and others taking bold leadership on climate change to nominate their work for a special 10th instalment of the awards.

Molinos de viento de una planta e贸lica al amanecer.

The enters into force for the United States on 19 February, after a new instrument of acceptance by the US, expressing its consent to be bound by the Agreement, was with the UN Secretary-General on 20 January. This historic agreement aims to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and to limit the global temperature increase in this century to 2 degrees Celsius. It includes commitments from all countries to reduce their emissions and work together to adapt to the impacts of climate change and calls on countries to strengthen their commitments over time. 

The  report by leading international scientists and presented to the reveals the most important findings within the field of climate science over the last year. It can help drive collective action on the ongoing climate crisis and help build momentum for a successful outcome of this year鈥檚 UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in November.  The report presents the need for aggressive greenhouse gas emission cuts to meet the goals of the  among other issues.