Title:?Launch of the #AngryBirdsHappyPlanet campaign

Date:?March 2016

Venue:?Visitors’ Lobby, General Assembly Hall

Event Summary:?

In partnership with Angry Birds – the globally renowned mobile game characters – and Sony Pictures Entertainment, the UN launched the “Angry Birds Happy Planet” campaign to encourage youth to step up their actions to address climate change and ensure a sustainable, happier future for all. The campaign was launched on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness, 21 March, and sought to make a direct link between tackling climate change and people’s well-being. Then Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon designated Red of the Angry Birds as Honorary Ambassador for Green. Starting on that day, Red went on a “virtual world tour” to bring attention to ways in which people could take climate action. His tour took him to Paris, where countries adopted a historic agreement to address climate change in November 2016 and ended in New York, where world leaders signed the Paris Agreement at UN Headquarters on 22 April 2016.

CCOI’s Role:

CCOI coordinated the UN’s collaboration with Angry Birds, Sony Pictures Entertainment, the UN Development Programme and the UN Foundaiton on the development of the campaign. CCOI also coordinated arrangements for the launch event at UN Headquarters.

Related UN Issues:

Sustainable Development Goal #13 – Climate Action

New Coverage:

[UN News]?UN Secretary-General appoints Red from the Angry Birds as Honorary Ambassador for Green on the International Day of Happiness