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  1. Highlight 10 December 2019

    ... Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said a manmade terror is keeping health workers awake at night in the Democratic Republic of ...

  2. Highlight 06 March 2018

    ... and mass rape of last year to a lower intensity campaign of terror and forced starvation that seems to be designed to drive the remaining ...

  3. Highlight 24 June 2015

    ... a camp of a rebel group perpetrating numerous acts of terror, robberies and hostage-taking in the sector between Baboua and Zokoumbo. ...

  4. Highlight 1 September 2016

    ... them were born and lived your early lives during conflict, terror and displacement. Involvement in peacebuilding, reconciliation and ...

  5. Highlight 24 March 2016

    ... community moves beyond mere condemnations of such acts of terror and violence. It is time to send a clear message to both parties. ...

  6. Highlight 21 July 2005

    ... ? SECURITY COUNCIL URGES ALL STATES TO JOIN ANTI-TERROR PACTS The Security Council wrapped up its open ... terrorism, he added that we would only be able to defeat terror if we stuck to our values. In short, he said, the institution of ...

  7. Highlight 18 March 2014

    ... and reject the continued series of acts of violence and terror, such as kidnappings, assassinations and bombings, which have hit ...

  8. Highlight 23 February 2006

    ... people of Iraq “to come together against violence and terror and support the peaceful political process of national dialogue and ...

  9. Highlight 9 July 2015

    ... but by precise and targeted campaigns of intimidation and terror. Refugees interviewed by the Human Rights Office in the ...

  10. Highlight 12 July 2004

    ... Palestinian Authority to do everything possible to end terror." ? NANE ANNAN VISITS CENTER FOR VICTIMS OF HUMAN ...