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  1. Secretary-General's remarks at Memorial for Madeleine Albright

    ... life is the story of the turmoil of 20th century Europe, the terror of totalitarianism, and the horror of war. ? ? But her story ...

  2. Statement by the Secretary-General – on Ukraine

    ... deaths rising, we are seeing images of fear, anguish and terror in every corner of Ukraine. People – everyday innocent people – ...

  3. UN Secretary-General's remarks to OIC Member States on "COVID-19 Solidarity: Promoting Co-Existence and Shared Responsibility"

    ... Christchurch, New Zealand in the wake of that cold-blooded terror attack. This year, COVID-19 made the tradition of a Ramadan ...

  4. Secretary-General's remarks at General Assembly event marking the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade [as delivered]

    ... forcibly transported. We must never forget the daily terror experienced by the enslaved peoples, the unthinkable acts of cruelty ...

  5. Secretary-General's video message to the 21st Summit of the Council of the Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

    ... protected. ?They want their country free of insecurity and terror. The United Nations is committed to deliver for the Afghan people. ...

  6. Secretary-General's video message to the Fifth Special Session of the States Parties to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention

    ... make every effort to eliminate these senseless weapons of terror. In the name of the victims of these attacks — and as a deterrent ...

  7. Secretary-General's message to the Hiroshima 探花精选 Memorial on the 78th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    ... support them as they continue sharing their accounts — the terror, the pain, the incalculable loss, and above all, the lesson of what ...

  8. Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council - on the Middle East [as delivered]

    ... the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel. Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, ...

  9. Secretary-General's video message to the International Humanitarian Conference for the Civilian Population in Gaza

    ... Gaza. Of course, nothing justifies the abhorrent acts of terror by Hamas in Israel on 7 October which I utterly condemn. Israelis ...

  10. Statement by the Secretary-General – on the situation in the Middle East

    ... outside the hospital are harrowing. I do not forget the terror attacks committed in Israel by Hamas and the killing, maiming and ...