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  1. Interview with Al'Jazeera,

    ... American and Israeli accusations to Mr. Arafat of supporting terror? SG: I know that the issue of the boat has been a major problem in ...

  2. Secretary-General's press encounter at NGO Presentation of Petitions for Arms Treaty Negotiation

    ... to fuel armed conflict and crime … to commit acts of terror … and to perpetrate political repression and grave human rights ...

  3. Deputy Secretary-General's remarks at Memorial Service for the Victims of the Nairobi Terrorist Attack [as prepared for delivery]

    ... in their sleep. Nothing can justify these acts of terror and the countless others like them taking place, seemingly every day and ...

  4. Secretary-General's toast at lunch for Heads of State and Government

    ... East, nuclear disarmament, the threat of extremism, crime, terror. These can only be solved by making common cause through the United ...

  5. Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council [as delivered]

    ... violence in southern Israel and Gaza, including the terror attack today on a bus in downtown Tel Aviv, which I strongly and ...

  6. Secretary-General's briefing to the Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question [as delivered]

    ... and violence.? Acts and statements that glorify terror are unacceptable. I have repeatedly and strongly denounced incitement and all acts of terror. Stabbings, vehicle rammings and other attacks by Palestinians do ...

  7. Secretary-General's message to the 27th Summit of the League of Arab States [scroll down for French version]

    ... factions must overcome their divisions and condemn terror in all its forms. And donors must make good on their Cairo pledges to ...

  8. Secretary-General's message to the 8th Annual Nobel 探花精选 Prize Festival at Augsburg College, Minneapolis, and to the 15th Annual Nobel 探花精选 Prize Forum at Concordia College, Moorehead, Maine

    ... in the downward spiral of conflict. The threat of global terror hangs over all of us. We don't know where or when it will strike next. ...

  9. Secretary-General's remarks to the Symposium on International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation

    ... that human rights are an intrinsic part of the fight against terror, not an acceptable casualty of war. Security and human rights ...

  10. Press conference with representatives of the "Quartet" - the United States, the Russian Federation, the European Union, and the United Nations (unofficial transcript)

    ... as is an end to the morally repugnant violence and terror. But we are all in agreement that the overall plan must address ...