

Ms. Fatima Maada Bio, the First Lady of Sierra Leone

Empowering change: Safeguarding women in Sierra Leone

By Jocelyne Sambira
- A discussion with the First Lady of Sierra Leone, Fatima Maada Bio

Artificial intelligence and Africa

Experts say supportive policies and robust infrastructure key for tech opportunities

Green financing could help Africa mitigate climate change effects

Green bonds through public private partnerships can fund such projects and programmes
Wangari Maathai at Copenhagen Climate Conference

Restoring landscapes, fighting climate change

By Raphael Obonyo
— The legacy of Wangari Maathai continues - says daughter Wanjira Mathai on Wangari Maathai Day and Africa Environment Day

Sudan: Horrific violations and abuses as fighting spreads - report

By Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Sudan: New UN report details horrific violations and abuses by both sides as fighting spreads.
heavy-duty vehicle (HDV).

Heavy-duty vehicles a major contributor to escalating pollution levels

Trucks and buses contribute to economic growth, but stringent regulations are needed to curb their emissions causing major environment and health impacts.

AfCFTA: Upcoming Protocol on Women and Youth in Trade a chance to empower women

By Maxime Houinato
Policies must ensure benefits of economic growth are equitably distributed, with a particular focus on gender inclusivity.

Partners in time: Reconnecting African Americans with their tribes of origin

By Sonya Beard
Geneticist Rick Kittles and Gina Page helping families put together missing pieces of their heritage through African Ancestry.