

Fortune Charumbira

Pan-African Parliament President calls for peace and unity

By Mkhululi Chimoio
We want the Pan-African Parliament to be a parliament of the people

Thriving societies need social cohesion, justice and inclusion — Ms. Nell Bolton

By Zipporah Musau
In Africa, Catholic Relief Services is helping communities to ‘address what divides them so they can find what unites them’ and together work towards transformational change
Betty Mtewele, a market vendor

2024: A year of cautious hope for African economies facing worldwide challenges

By Franck Kuwonu
The continent's economic growth is expected to inch up to 3.5 per cent

Inclusion of Women and Land Rights as an avenue to accelerate the AfCFTA

By Annita Tipilda
Collective action in the form of women’s groups has greatly benefited women in negotiating access to land
Cassava farming in Liberia: Women’s rights to land must be legally recognized.

Intra-African trade provides an opportunity for inclusive economic growth

By Janet Edeme
Women’s land tenure security is essential for both their empowerment at a micro-level as agricultural producers in a household and at a macro-level for unlocking transformative social and economic benefits

2024 must be a year for rebuilding trust and restoring hope

By António Guterres
Secretary-General's message for New Year 2024
Ms. Diene Keita, UN ASG/UNFPA DED-Programme (Middle)

Looking at Africa's future through the lens of progress, evidence and foresight

By Diene Keita
A reflection on a decade of commitment, collaboration, and African resilience


By Kingsley Ighobor
Working with local governments to change lives for the better