

UNOCT CT Travel INTERPOL Regional Workshop - Tackling Emerging Terrorism Trends in Africa edited by Antoine Andary


Latest Statements by UN Office of Counter-Terrorism Officials. Get official CT Travel statements, briefings, and remarks from Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov, Partners, and Member States.

Events and News

Events and News articles covering the UN Counter-Terrorism events at UN Headquarters and all around the world and in the field.



Videos from CT Travel Programme' meetings and events, and highlighting the Programme work as well.


Press Releases

Find UN CT Travel's Press Releases on counter-terrorism issues and the Programme its work on its programmatic priorities.



Interested in what we achieved? In the quarter Newsletters, you find highlights of UNOCT and CT Travel. Get the latest on counter-terrorism activities, Member States consultations, capacity-building assistance, and more.

UN Documents

All UN Documents from the CT Travel Programme