
Trust Fund 2013

On 16 and 17 May 2013, the Bureau of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, acting as the Advisory Group for the projects for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, met to consider projects proposals.





The following projects were selected for funding in the 2013 round:

Country Name of Project Organization
Togo Santé maternelle pour toutes en milieu rural Association CREDO-ACTION
India Holistic health through active indigenous people’s participation at the backward villages in Lawngtlai district under Bungtlang rd block in Mizoram in India. COD NERC (Center for community development through network, education, research, training, resource mobilization and capacity building)
Mexico Jóvenes comunicadores por la diversidad linguística Red de Comunicadores Boca de Polen
Nicaragua Elaboración de materiales auxiliares en lengua materna Mayangna con enfoque a la gramática Panamahka del territorio indígena Mayangna Sauni As municipio de Bonanza, RAAN. Asociación Mayangna Sauni As Kaluduhna (MASAKU)
United States of America San Felipe Pueblo: Turning the Tide Against Childhood Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Project Notah Begay III Foundation
New Zealand Matike Mai Aotearoa Rangatahi – Indigenous Youth for Constitutional Transformation Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu
Mali Appui aux actions de lutte contre la malnutrition de la mère et de l’enfant en milieu rural par la bonne et saine consommation des produits locaux Convergence des Femmes Rurales pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire (COFERSA)
Cameroon Prise en charge prénatales des femmes pygmées Baka dans le district de santé Lomié Association des Baka de l’est Cameroun
Nepal Endangered Kusunda Language Revitalization Project (EKLRP) Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN)
Canada Implementation of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Food Sovereignty Strategy Nishnawbe Aski Nation
Canada GEN7 Aboriginal Role Model Program Aboriginal Living in Vancouver Enhancement (ALIVE)
Guyana Creation d’un centre d’amitie Organisation des Nations Autochtones de Guyane
Guatemala Manual de Convivencia de las Comunidades Indígenas Q’eqchi’ con la tierra, territorio y bienes naturales. Asociación Estoreña Para el Desarrollo Integral – AEPDI