

Rules and regulations that govern the use of the UN emblem, flag and/or name as well as the UN grounds passes issued to

representatives of organizations associated with the Department of Global Communications

The wrongful use of the UN Grounds Pass, the United Nations name, emblem and/or flag constitutes a serious breach in the association agreement with the Department of Global Communications. Misuse of any of these elements in organizations’ publications, websites, business cards, etc. will be reported to the Office of Legal Affairs and the Department of Safety and Security and may result in immediate disassociation and loss of access to UNHQ in New York.



DGC provides all associated organizations up to 6 yearly grounds passes so that the designated representatives can attend meetings at the UN. This is the ONLY purpose of the Grounds Passes. Note that DGC does not provide temporary passes.

  • UN Grounds Passes should not be used outside the UN for any purpose
  • Civil society representatives that hold a UN Grounds Pass are not official UN delegates or representatives
  • Civil society representatives that hold a UN Grounds Pass are not entitled to any privileges or immunities
  • DGC only endorses grounds passes for UNHQ in New York; these passes are not to be used in other duty stations, such as Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, etc., unless expressly authorized by the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UN DSS).

Should a civil society representative be found misusing their UN Grounds Pass, the representative’s credentials will be removed immediately, and the UN DSS will be notified for further action. Organizations whose representatives misuse their passes may lose their association with DGC.


Please be informed that organizations associated with DGC and/or in consultative status with ECOSOC are not authorized to use the UN emblem in connection with their activities. However, under certain conditions, which are outlined below, the use of the modified UN emblem may be authorized:

  • The use of the modified UN emblem could be authorized for use in a specific event, organized by a civil society organization associated with DGC, such as a conference on issues relating to the UN. Such authorization, if granted, would be limited to the event in question and would therefore have a limited duration.
  • The conditions of use of the modified UN emblem would be set forth in a letter by the Office of Legal Affairs, including the duration, size and manner of placement of the modified UN emblem.
  • Requests to use the modified emblem should be addressed to:

Ms. Kathryn Alford
Director, General Legal Division, 
Office of Legal Affairs, 
Room S-3676, 
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Fax: +1- 917-367-1416

We trust that all officially designated civil society representatives will adhere to the guidelines provided above by the Office of Legal Affairs. Kindly note that the unauthorized use of the UN emblem may constitute grounds for disassociation. Should the associated organization wish to indicate its association with DGC, it may add a line of text to its website, flyers or business cards, using the following language:

Organization Formally Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

The font size of the reference to the DGC association should be proportionate to that of the name of the organization. The platform (flyer, website, etc.) needs to clearly indicate the name of the organization as it appears on the association records with DGC. In the case of business cards, the title of the organization representative (President, Officer, Youth Coordinator, etc.) needs to be clearly indicated.

Civil society representatives are not official United Nations representatives. Appointed civil society representatives should avoid the use of titles that may lead to confusion as to the nature of the association between them and/or their organization and the United Nations. Therefore, the following title is the only one authorized by the UN Department of Global Communications for civil society representatives to use on their business cards, e-mail signatures, and any other platform:

Representative of [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] to the UniteNations Department of Global Communications

No alterations or modifications of this title are to be used unless expressly authorized by the UN Department of Global Communications.