Mines, explosive remnants of war, and improvised explosive devices continue to cause death and injury, especially in situations of armed conflict. On average, one person is killed or injured by such an explosive device every hour. Many children are among the victims.

The use of improvised explosive devices has expanded, terrorizing civilians and threatening humanitarian actors and United Nations personnel.

Survivors of explosive hazards with disabilities and others with disabilities living through conflict are the focus of the 2024 International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action on 4 April.

The United Nations has called for greater responsiveness to the needs and rights of people with disabilities in conflict and peacebuilding settings. ?This year is the fifth anniversary of?, which calls upon Member States, and specifically Security Council members, to consider and protect persons with disabilities, to ensure they have access to assistance, and to include them in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

Giles Duley, the?United Nations Global Advocate for persons with disabilities in conflict and peacebuilding situations, will share stories of the people he has spent time with over the last decade, in his legacy of war documentation, through stories, photos, and films.

On 4 April, Mr. Duley will open the photo/audio exhibition “Witnessing a Way Forward” in a public “fireside chat” with Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, at UN Headquarters in New York.

Over the next week, we will bring you stories from Rwanda, Syria, Palestine, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

“” is the goal of the 2030 Agenda. And, as disability rights activists have stated for decades: “Nothing about us, without us”.

Join us in putting the needs and rights of persons with disabilities front and centre in our peace and security deliberations, mandates, aspirations, vision, and mission.

New York-based Personnel:

You are invited to the opening reception for the exhibition "Witnessing a Way Forward: Protecting Lives. Building 探花精选" on 4 April from 6:00 - 7:30 pm in the Visitors’ Lobby.?Please click here to see the announcement?and RSVP.
