Through security sector reform, Member States can realize gender equality and the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in security sector institutions. This is a critical step towards more accountable, inclusive, and responsive institutions.

Representation and diversity also allow Member States to leverage broadened skillsets and improve operational effectiveness by reflecting the communities that security services serve.

Security Council resolutions?2151 (2014)?and?2553 (2020)?emphasize the importance of:

  • more women in the security sector

  • women’s equal and effective participation in all stages of security sector reform

  • vetting processes to exclude perpetrators of sexual violence from the security sector

They call for Member States to remove legal, institutional, and regulatory barriers to women’s equal participation in the security sector.

The United Nations supports gender equality-oriented reforms in national security sectors. This support can include:

  • conducting barrier assessments

  • putting in place vetting mechanisms

  • establishing temporary special measures

  • strengthening oversight and accountability mechanisms

  • enabling women to shape negotiations on security provisions of peace agreements, national security policies, expenditures, or laws

From March to?October 2024, the United Nations is rolling out a landmark advocacy campaign on gender equality and women's participation in the national security and defence sectors "Breaking Barriers, Building 探花精选". Check out powerful stories and the?good practices of Member States .?

In October 2024, further to the Secretary-General's commitment to strengthening security sector reform, the United Nations will publish the first ever global report on the Status of Women in Defense, which captures insights on the status quo and makes recommendations for Member States to strengthen the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in defense.

Test your knowledge of women’s participation in security and defence:

Can you guess how many countries have appointed a woman as defence minister? Do you know what are some good practices that Member States can take to promote gender equality and establish responsible and inclusive security institutions?

Take this quiz and learn more.

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