In the second half of 2024, the UN will look to a brighter future, with a major summit devoted to forward thinking in September, and the fight against climate change in November:

October:?Bringing?biodiversity?back from the brink

The natural world is facing a dangerous decline, and around one million species are under threat.?

Between 21 October and 1 November, the?UN biodiversity conference?will take place in Colombia, where delegates will discuss?how to turn restore lands and seas in a way that protects the planet and respects the rights of local communities.

The event will build on the achievement of a??reached by the international community, to protect nature, and set global targets to safeguard biodiversity.

The challenge will be to turn these ambitious targets into action by 2030.

November:?The climate bandwagon moves to Azerbaijan

After three decades of UN climate conferences, the nations of the world finally expressed an aspiration to?, at the 2023 conference in Dubai.

This was hailed by?some as?a breakthrough?and the beginning of the end for dirty power sources, but many people, including Secretary-General António Guterres, were frustrated at the slow pace at which the world is moving towards a carbon-free future.

“A fossil fuel phase-out is inevitable. Let’s hope it doesn’t come too late,” said Mr. Guterres in response to the declaration.

With the focus on the climate crisis only likely to intensify next year, all eyes will be on Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11 to 24 November, host of the 2024 conference, to see if the pace of change can be sped up.

December:?Hoops for peace?

Meanwhile, basketball which was first played in the United States in 1891, is being recognized for its role in supporting the empowerment of women and girls, promoting peace and development, and respect for human rights.

The second?World Basketball Day?celebrations will take place on 21 December.


