United Against Racism: Evaluating Progress, Renewing Commitment

Thursday, 21 March 2024, 9:00–10:30 a.m. (New York time). 

Stand against racism and racial discrimination by participating in the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination virtual event organized by the Anti-Racism Office in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations.

Welcome and introductions | 09:00-09:05

Alcinda Honwana, Director, UN Anti-Racism Office

Advances in the UN anti-racism agenda: The creation of the Anti-Racism Office | 09:05-09:20

Catherine Pollard, Under Secretary-General for Management Strategy, Policy, and Compliance

The imperative to combat racism at the UN | 09:20-09:35

Mojankunyane Gumbi, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on Addressing Racism in the Workplace

Contributing to a world free of racism and racial discrimination | 09:35-09:50

Ana Paula Zacarias, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations

Q&A | 09:50-10:25


Closing Remarks | 10:25-10:30

Alcinda Honwana, Director, UN Anti-Racism Office

Don't miss this opportunity to observe the progress of the Secretary-General’s Strategic Action Plan on Addressing Racism and Promoting Dignity for All in the Workplace

Your participation will contribute to a United Nation free of racism. Be part of the change. .

For more information, visit the Anti-Racism Office page on iSeek, United Against Racism