1 November 2023 – In May 2024, world leaders will be meeting in Antigua and Barbuda for the  (SIDS4). The theme of this event “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity” embodies the shared vision of achieving sustainable development, the  and its .

Why a Conference on Small Island Developing States?

Small island developing States are at the frontlines of multiple world crises – including climate change, COVID-19 recovery and debt distress. While SIDS are responsible for only 0.2 per cent of global carbon emissions, they suffer the most from the impacts of climate change. The constant cycle of disaster and recovery leaves them weakened and unable to build resilience. Yet, islanders are leading the global fight against climate change by finding innovative ways to protect their homelands, cultures and livelihoods against rising temperatures and sea levels.

This Conference will be a pivotal moment where leaders will not only assess progress but will forge a new path forward for SIDS. SIDS4 will be a space for a dynamic exchange of ideas, a promotion of practical solutions and the birthplace of fresh partnerships at all levels.

Representatives from non-governmental organizations, major groups and other stakeholders can actively engage in devising a resilient future for SIDS. Organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC or those who were accredited to the previous SIDS Conferences will be able to attend.

For other interested NGOs, a dedicated process for special accreditation is open until 10 November 2023. For more information, check the  and . And if you want to receive updates about stakeholders’ participation in the SIDS4, please sign up .