
Closing Remarks at Launch the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

ECOSOC HLPF Special Event


Distinguished Delegates, 
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour to take part in the launch of the annual flagship report on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World.  The rich discussions today reflect the central importance of food systems to all pillars of sustainability and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

The challenges to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition are complex and multifaceted.  

Poverty, rising inequalities, conflict and an increase in climate change related droughts, desertification and floods threaten our promise to leave no one behind. 

With just 15 percent of the assessable SDG targets on track at the half-way point to 2030, this is a pivotal moment.  There is a narrowing window to respond to immediate pressures on the SDGs and to shift course to a sustainable long-term trajectory. 


It is heartening to hear about the significant opportunities, and efforts already underway, to advance food security and ensure that everyone has access to sufficient and nutritious food.  

It is especially promising that these efforts are supporting progress in multiple areas including sustainable cities and communities finding synergies with the “New Urban Agenda”.  

The importance of integrated action and cross-sectoral partnerships for SDG implementation cannot be overstated.   This is a key finding of the Global Sustainable Development Report prepared by 15 independent scientists, namely joined up action in food systems and five other entry points for transformation can accelerate progress towards the SDGs. 

On the road to the SDG Summit in September and over the next seven years, let us identify and scale up promising solutions that ensure good nutrition, strengthen food and water security, support climate action and maintain biodiversity and forests.  

We can invest in climate resilient agriculture. 

We can support training and just transitions for workers and farmers.

We can improve efficient use of water and fertilizers. 

We can reduce food loss and waste.  

And we can empower women farmers and young farmers. 

The ongoing High-level Political Forum is an opportunity to share knowledge and advance on policies, partnerships and coordinated action at all levels.  

Several SDGs closely related to food security are under review at this year’s HLPF, including SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation, 7 on affordable and clean energy, 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, 11 on sustainable cities and communities, and 17 on partnerships for the Goals.  

Building on the evidence presented here today, and the promising initiatives that have been shared, I am assured that we can work together to deliver a more food secure and sustainable future for everyone. 

I thank you. 

File date: 
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Mr. Junhua Li