
Opening Remarks Meeting of the Inter-Departmental Task Force on Logistical Arrangements for the 2022 UN Ocean Conference

Dear Colleagues, 

Good afternoon. Welcome to this Inter-departmental Task Force meeting for the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference. 

I would like to begin by extending a warm welcome to Mr. Alexandre Leitao and colleagues from Portugal. And, my sincere appreciation to the host country for its strong leadership and commitment to the 2nd UN Ocean Conference, to be held from 27 June to 1 July 2022, in Lisbon. 

Last month, I convened the first resumed session of the Inter-Departmental Task Force meeting. It marked the full resumption of the logistical preparations for the Ocean Conference. I take this opportunity to thank all departments for your active participation and contribution to the process, and for the hard work you have done since 2019.

I see from the meeting agenda that we have a lot to cover this afternoon. Therefore, I shall only highlight a few points here.  I will then pass the floor over to Mr. Leitao, and Alex, to moderate the discussion. 

First, the most critical task in front us right now is preparations for the logistical aspects of the Conference. During our last meeting, many of you asked what COVID-19 protocols should be in place, and how they might affect the current arrangements in the Altice Arena. 

With the new Omicron variant that has resulted in travel bans for some countries, particularly from Africa, we must address the question: what contingency plans should we have, if another variant takes center stage, resulting in further travel bans next year? 

Second, we must ensure meaningful participation of accredited stakeholders, while taking into consideration:

  • space, 
  • security, 
  • capacity of the blue zone and its adjacent areas as well as
  • COVID-19 mitigating measures. 

Hybrid options should be explored for some side events and media activities. 

Third, I will be ready to lead another planning mission to Lisbon next year – to make sure everything is delivered in line with the high standards of the United Nations. I request my team to work with all departments, and our Lisbon counterparts, to gather as many updates as possible, including on:

  • floor plans, 
  • space use, 
  • timelines and other details, with the aim to finalize the Annexes prior to the last planning mission. 

As the Conference Secretary General, I remain fully committed to supporting the host country. And, to continue working with all departments to make the 2022 UN Ocean Conference a great success. 

I look forward to fruitful and constructive discussions with you. 

I thank you.

File date: 
Monday, December 13, 2021

Mr. Liu