15 December 2023 - As a truly global organization, equitable geographical representation of staff in the United Nations is a key element to better reflect the people we serve. This week Switzerland joined the push to make the UN’s Junior Professional Officers (JPO) Programme – a crucial training programme fostering talent and expertise in the UN system – more inclusive.

Despite the programme’s importance, only a small percentage of JPOs come from developing countries, limiting the diversity of perspectives the UN needs to address global challenges. Over the last decade, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), together with other UN organizations and sponsoring Member States, have taken important steps to address this situation.

During the ninth JPO biennial meeting in Stockholm in 2013, UN DESA proposed the establishment of the Developing Countries Candidates (DCC) Trust Fund. This initiative, in line with ECOSOC Resolution 849, seeks to facilitate the training of young professionals from developing countries in the UN system improving the effectiveness of the organization. The Trust Fund was formally established in 2015 as an inter-agency initiative, under the administrative guidance of UN DESA’s Capacity Development Programme Management Office (CDPMO). On 12 December 2023, Switzerland signed a Letter of Agreement, joining Germany in actively supporting the Trust Fund.

By enhancing the representation of developing country candidates within the JPO Programme, the Trust Fund offers a tangible solution to bridge existing gaps, ensuring a more equitable distribution of skilled professionals between the Global North and South. It will foster the diversity of perspectives needed to achieve the , while providing opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds.

The Trust Fund is overseen by a Steering Committee comprising senior representatives from participating UN organizations, including UNDP, UNESCO, and ILO. This committee is responsible for identifying priority areas for funding, defining selection criteria for vacancies, evaluating fund performance, and recommending necessary adjustments. The Fund is open to contributions from various entities, including countries, NGOs, private sector actors, regional organizations, and development banks, encouraging a collaborative approach towards greater inclusivity of the UN system.

For more information: UN’s Junior Professional Officers (JPO) Programme