
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Appointments to fill vacancies in Subsidiary Organs and other appointments at the 57th session

( a ) Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions - [Note by the Secretary-General - A/57/101/Add.1/Rev.1, A/57/101; A/C.5/57/5]
- On 29 January 2003, the General Assembly appointed Mr. Jun Yamazaki (Japan) as a member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for a term of office beginning on 29 January 2003 and ending on 31 December 2004.

- On 1 November 2002, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Mounir Zahran (Egypt), Homero Luis Hernandez (Dominican Republic), Thomas Mazet (Germany), and Susan McLurg (United States), as members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for a three year term of office beginning 1 January 2003.

(b) Appointment of members of the Committee on Contributions [Note by the Secretary-General - A/57/102; A/C.5/57/6] - On 1 November 2002, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Alvaro Gurgel de Alencar (Brazil), Sergei I. Mareyev (Russian Federation), Bernard G. Meijerman (Netherlands), Ugo Sessi (Italy), Hae-yun Park (Republic of Korea), and Wu Gang (China) as members of the Committee on Contributions for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2003.

(c) Confirmation of the appointment of members of the Investments Committee [Note by the Secretary-General - A/57/103, A/C.5/57/7]
- On 1 November 2002, the Fifth Committee recommended the confirmation of appointment of Takeshi Ohta (Japan), Francine J. Bovich (United States), and Peter Stormonth-Darling (United Kingdom) to the Investments Committee for a three-year term of office, beginning on 1 January 2003.

(d) Appointment of members of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal [ Note by the Secretary-General - A/57/104 ; A/C.5/57/8]
- On 1 November 2002, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Kevin Haugh (Ireland) and Jacqueline R. Scott (United States) to the United Nations Administrative Tribunal for a three-year term, beginning on 1 January 2003.

(e) Appointment of members of the International Civil Service Commission (Appointment of members of the Commission, Designation of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Commission)[ Note by the Secretary-General - A/57/105; A/C.5/57/9]
- On 1 November 2002, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Eugeniusz Wyzner (Poland), Jose Ramon Sanchis Mu?oz (Argentina), Mohsen Bel Hadj Amor (Tunisia), Daasebre Oti Boateng (Ghana), and Anita Sziazak (Canada) to the International Civil Service Commission for a four year term of office beginning 1 January 2003. Also, the Committee elected by acclamation Mohsen Bel Hadj Amor (Tunisia) to the post of Chairman, and Eugeniusz Wyzner (Poland) to the post of Vice-Chairman of the ICSC.

(j) Appointment of members of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee [Note by the Secretary-General - A/57/111 ; A/C.5/57/10; A/57/111/Add.1]
- On 1 November 2002, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Andrei V. Kovalenko (Russian Federation) to fill the remainder of the term of office of Victor A. Vislykh (Russian Federation), which expires on 31 December 2004. - On 28 March 2003, the Fifth Committee recommended the appointment of Mustafizur Rahman (Bangladesh) to fill the remainder of the term of office of M. Riaz Hamidullah (Bangladesh), which expires on 31 December 2004.

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