
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Details of candidatures and other information on elections are available on . More information about the election and appointment process is available in the FAQ.

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Appointments to fill vacancies in Subsidiary Organs and other appointments at the 75th session

Letter from the Chair of the Fifth Committee dated 29 October regarding Fifth Committee meeting: appointments to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other appointments (Friday, 6 November, 10am)

Item 120(a) Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

Notes by the Secretary-General: ,
Report of the Fifth Committee:
General Assembly decision: 75/404
Date: 23 November 2020
Meeting details:
Decided upon: without a vote
Press Release: GA/12290

Item 120(b) Appointment of members of the Committee on Contributions

Notes by the Secretary-General: ,
Report of the Fifth Committee:
General Assembly decision: 75/405
Date: 23 November 2020
Meeting details:
Decided upon: without a vote
Press Release: GA/12290

Item 120(c) Confirmation of the appointment of members of the Investments Committee

Notes by the Secretary-General: ,
Report of the Fifth Committee:
General Assembly decision: 75/406
Date: 23 November 2020
Meeting details:
Decided upon: without a vote
Press Release: GA/12290

Item 120(d) Appointment of members of the International Civil Service Commission

Notes by the Secretary-General: , ,
Report of the Fifth Committee:
General Assembly decision: 75/407 A and , 75/407 B and
Date: 23 November 2020, 16 April 2021
Meeting details: ,
Decided upon: without a vote
Press Release: GA/12290, GA/12318

Item 120(e) Appointment of members of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee

Notes by the Secretary-General: , ,
Report of the Fifth Committee: .
Letter from the Permanent Representative of South Africa addressed to the Secretary-General:
General Assembly decision: 75/408
Date: 23 November 2020, 31 December 2020
Meeting details: , ?(resumed)
Decided upon: without a vote
Press Release: GA/12290, GA/12307

Item 120(f) Appointment of members and alternate members of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee

Notes by the Secretary-General: ,
Report of the Fifth Committee:
General Assembly decision: 75/409
Date: 23 November 2020
Meeting details:
Decided upon: without a vote
Press Release: GA/12290


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Details of candidatures and other information on elections are available on .

More information about the election and
appointment process is available in the FAQ

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