
Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly

Ad Hoc Working Group

The Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG) has made recommendations on macro-level issues, such as the coordination between the principal organs of the United Nations, and the relationship between the agenda of the General Assembly and the Sustainable Development Goals. Part of the work of the AHWG is also to look at the working methods of the Assembly, the rules of procedure and practical matters, such as the use of technology, the accessibility of proceedings to persons with disabilities, or the clustering of agenda items.

The full detail on the revitalization resolutions and their implementation is provided in the “Inventory Chart” , which was first issued at the 62nd session. The chart reflects the scope of areas that have been considered by the AHWG and forms the basis for discussions at each session of the General Assembly. More than 200 outcomes are reflected under the four clusters and 30 areas of work. The chart includes, for example, the rules of procedure that have been revised on the AHWG’s recommendation and the revisions to election timelines in the plenary and the Main Committees.

The General Assembly has requested the AHWG to continue its practice of holding interactive discussions with the Secretariat on the services it provides to Member States. In recent years, senior officials have briefed Member States about technological innovation, the role of intergovernmental data, accessibility, the appointment processes of Executive Heads, the UN website and other areas of the Secretariat’s work. The AHWG has served as a platform for the Secretariat to obtain guidance on how best to implement proposals to enhance the efficiency of its services.

Beyond the General Assembly and the Secretariat, the AHWG also plays a normative role also with regard to the working methods of other intergovernmental bodies. This includes not only the Main Committees and other subsidiary organs of the General Assembly, but also other principal organs and their subsidiaries. For example, when the Assembly decided on a new procedure to adjust seating arrangements for persons with disabilities, the ECOSOC made similar adjustments to its practice. Technological innovation encouraged by the AHWG is being leveraged in the Security Council and the Human Rights Council for their own working methods.

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