
Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee)

Press Releases

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Date Title
22 November 2023
21 November 2023
20 November 2023
9 November 2023
17 October 2023
16 October 2023
12 October 2023
11 October 2023
10 October 2023
9 October 2023
6 October 2023
5 October 2023
4 October 2023
3 October 2023
2 October 2023
28 September 2023
29 June 2023
23 November 2022
22 November 2022
21 November 2022
10 November 2022
25 October 2022
17 October 2022
14 October 2022
13 October 2022
12 October 2022
11 October 2022
10 October 2022
7 October 2022
6 October 2022
4 October 2022
3 October 2022
29 September 2022
29 September 2022
17 December 2021 General Assembly Takes Action on Second Committee Reports?by Adopting 37 Resolutions, 2 Decisions
23 November 2021 Resolutions on Protecting Global Climate, Eliminating Unilateral Economic Measures, among 16 Texts Approved as Second Committee Concludes Session
22 November 2021 Second Committee Approves 12 Resolutions, Including on Improving Capacity of World Trade Organization to Increase Pandemic, Disaster Preparedness
18 November 2021 Second Committee Approves Nine Resolutions, Including One Voicing Deep Concern over 1.3 Billion People Living in Multidimensional Poverty
10 November 2021 Functions Given to Programme, Coordination Organ Should Be Reached in Timely, Effective Manner, Delegate Tells Second Committee
20 October 2021 In Post-Pandemic World, Developing States Will Continue to Feel Effects of Crisis,?Speaker Tells Second Committee, Economic and Social Council Joint Meeting
18 October 2021 Access to Natural Resources by Palestinians, Syrians Should Not Be Denied, Delegates Tell Second Committee
14 October 2021 Speakers Stress Importance of South-South Cooperation, Improved Resident Coordinator System, as Second Committee Takes Up Operational Activities for Development
13 October 2021 Economic Recovery across Regions Severely Uneven, UNCTAD Secretary?General?Underscores?as Second Committee Addresses Macroeconomic Policy Questions
12 October 2021 Speakers Highlight Critical Need to Restore Degraded Lands, Protect Ecosystems, as Second Committee Concludes Debate on Sustainable Development
11 October 2021 Restoring Biodiversity ‘Defining Challenge of Our Time’, United Nations Official Says as Second Committee Takes Up Sustainable Development
8 October 2021 Conserve Resources, Build Resilience by Closing Wide Inequities between Countries, Delegates Stress, as Second Committee Concludes Its General Debate
7 October 2021 Countries in Special Situations Hardest Hit by Climate Crisis, Pandemic, Delegates Say, as Second Committee Continues Session
6 October 2021 Addressing Ruinous Effects of COVID-19, Climate Change, Speakers Urge Speeding Up Development Goals Implementation, as Second Committee Continues Debate
5 October 2021 Pandemic Exposes Global Unpreparedness in Handling Health, Climate Challenges,?Expert Says, as Second Committee Begins General Debate
1 October 2021 Second Committee Opens Seventy-Sixth Session, Approving Organization of Work
7 June 2021 Electing Maldives Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid President of Seventy-Sixth Session, General Assembly Selects Main Committee Bureaus, Economic and Social Council Members
21 December 2020 Taking Up Second Committee Reports, General Assembly Adopts 36 Resolutions,?including Text Calling for Building Back Better in Wake of Pandemic
8 December 2020 Delegates Approve Resolution on Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review, as Second Committee Concludes Session
25 November 2020 Second Committee Approves Three Resolutions, including One on Protecting Global Climate for Present, Future Generations
24 November 2020 Second Committee Approves 17 Resolutions, Including on Eradicating Rural Poverty,?Inclusion of Migrants in COVID-19 Response, Recovery Efforts
18 Novembr 2020 Second Committee Approves 15 Resolutions, including One Emphasizing Pandemic’s?Adverse Impact on Markets, Global Supply Chains
19 October 2020 Health Infrastructure in Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syrian Golan?on ‘Verge of Collapse’, Speaker Tells Second Committee
19 October 2020 Cooperation among States Key to Mitigating Effects, Building Back Better from COVID-19, Speakers Say, as Second Committee Meets with Regional Commissions
16 October 2020 COVID-19 Threatens to Undo Decades of Progress in Eradicating Poverty, Official Says, as Second Committee Takes Up Agriculture Development, Food Security
15 October 2020 New Urban Agenda an ‘Accelerator for Sustainable Development’, Says Executive Director, as Second Committee Takes Up Human Settlements Programme
14 October 2020 Pandemic Should Serve as ‘a Wake-up Call’ for Bridging Infrastructure, Science,?Technology Divide, Chair Tells Second Committee, Economic and Social Council
13 October 2020 Poverty Eradication Efforts, Tourism Sector Hard Hit by Devastating Consequences?of COVID-19, Delegates Underline in Second Committee
12 October 2020 Climate Change, COVID?19 Pandemic Severely Affecting Implementation of 2030?Agenda,?Speakers Underscore, as Second Committee Takes Up Sustainable Development Reports
9 October 2020 In Face of Pandemic, 100 Million People Worldwide on Brink of Extreme Poverty,?Assembly President Says, as Second Committee Concludes General Debate
8 October 2020 Multidimensional Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic More Dire in Developing World,?Speaker Says, as Second Committee Continues Its?General Debate
6 October 2020 As Sustainable Development Efforts Fall Behind, Second Committee Delegates?Stress Bolstering International Cooperation in Combating COVID?19
5 October 2020 Deputy Secretary-General, Briefing Second Committee on Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review, Pledges Support for Implementing Country Priorities
5 October 2020 Prospects of Quick Global Economic Recovery from COVID-19 Are Unrealistic,?Says Nobel Laureate, as Second Committee Begins General Debate
2 October 2020 Second Committee Opens Seventy-Fifth Session, Approving Organization of Work
27 November 2019 Resolutions on Combating Corruption, Importance of Women in Development?among 14?Texts Approved, as Second Committee Concludes Session
26 November 2019 Second Committee Approves 28?Resolutions, Including on Combating Protectionism,?Eliminating Unauthorized Unilateral Trade Measures
21 November 2019 Second Committee Approves Resolutions Condemning Unilateral Economic Measures,?Promoting Benefits of Natural Plant Fibres for Sustainable Development
14 November 2019 Second Committee Approves 6 Resolutions, including on Compensation for Oil Slick off Lebanon’s Coast, Sovereignty of Palestinians over Their Natural Resources
22 October 2019 Taking Up Occupied Palestinian Territories, Delegates in Second Committee Express Concern over Worsening Humanitarian, Socioeconomic Conditions
21 October 2019 Sufficient Financing, Strengthened Country Offices Needed for Development System, Delegates Say, as Second Committee Takes Up Operational Activities
18 October 2019 Nearly Half of World’s Population Excluded from ‘Benefits of Digitalization’, Speaker Stresses as Second Committee Debates Information Technology for Development
17 October 2019 Delegates Call for Multilateralism, Closing Digital Divide to Spur Economic Growth, as Second Committee Debates Globalization, Interdependence
16 October 2019 Rural Population ‘Left Behind’ by Uneven Global Economy, Speakers Note, as Second Committee Debates Poverty Eradication
15 October 2019 Speakers Focus on Nature-Based Solutions for Achieving Sustainable Development, at Joint Meeting of Second Committee, Economic and Social Council
14 October 2019 Loss of World’s Arable Land Threat to ‘Everything We Eat, Drink, Breathe’, Speaker Says, as Second Committee Takes Up Sustainable Development
11 October 2019 Delegates Stress Urgent Need for Weather Resilient Farming, Combating Hunger,?as Second Committee Debates Agriculture, Food Security, Nutrition
10 October 2019 Absence of Multilateral Trade System Threatens Sustainable Development, Delegates?Stress as Second Committee Takes Up Macroeconomic Policy Questions
8 October 2019 Unprecedented Impacts of Climate Change Disproportionately Burdening Developing?Countries, Delegate Stresses, as Second Committee Concludes General Debate
7 October 2019 Wealth Inequality, Insufficient International Financing Hindering Sustainable Development, Delegates Stress as Second Committee Begins General Debate
2 October 2019 Second Committee Opens Seventy-Fourth Session, Approving Organization of Work
1 October 2019 Cheikh Niang (Senegal) Chair of Second Committee
3 December 2018 Concluding Session, Second Committee Passes 12 Texts, Including Drafts Addressing Illicit Financial Flows, Disaster Risk Reduction
30 November 2018 Second Committee Approves 12 Resolutions, Including Texts on Eradicating?Rural Poverty, Addressing Digital Divide
28 November 2018 Second Committee Approves 8 Resolutions, Including Texts Calling for Addressing Climate Change, Oil Slick on Lebanese Shores
21 November 2018 Second Committee Approves 4 Resolutions Including Text Underlining Positive Role?Entrepreneurship Plays in Creating Jobs, Reducing Inequalities
8 November 2018 Second Committee Approves 5 Texts Including on Sovereignty of Arab Population?in Occupied Syrian Golan, Palestinian People over Their Natural Resources
26 October 2018 Regional Commissions Must be Strengthened to Better Assist with Implementing?Sustainable Development Agenda, Speakers Say in Second Committee
24 October 2018 Taking Up Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syrian Golan, Delegates in Second Committee Say Persistent Policies by Israel Violate International Law
23 October 2018 Global Partnerships Crucial towards Bridging ‘Financial Gap’ in Achieving 2030?Agenda for Sustainable Development, Delegates Stress at Second Committee
22 October 2018 Least Developed Nations Lagging Behind on Attaining Sustainable Development,?Speakers Say, as Second Committee Debates Countries in Special Situations
19 October 2018 Amid Rise in Migration Worldwide, Representatives Underline Segment’s Contribution to Development, as Second Committee Debates Globalization, Interdependence
17 October 2018 Increased Aid, Development Critical to Eradicating Global Poverty, Delegates Stress in Second Committee
16 October 2018 Renewable Energy Sources Cut Carbon Emissions, Efficiently Increase Electricity Output Worldwide, Delegates Say in Second Committee
15 October 2018 World ‘Nearing Critical Point of No Return’ on Climate Change, Delegate Warns, as Second Committee Debates Sustainable Development
12 October 2018 Devastating Impacts of Climate Change Threatening Farm Outputs, Increasing Global?Hunger, Delegates Say as Second Committee Takes Up Agriculture, Food Security
11 October 2018 Unilateral Trade Practices, Measures Harm Most Vulnerable Nations, Speakers Say, as Second Committee Takes Up Macroeconomic Policy
10 October 2018 Speakers in Second Committee Underline Need for Reformed,?Better-Funded Human Settlements Programme
9 October 2018 Delegates Voice Concern over Millions Living in Poverty, Unsustainable Trend?of Uneven Development, as Second Committee Continues General Debate
8 October 2018 World’s Poorest Nations Left Behind in Reaching Sustainable Development Goals,?Delegates Stress as Second Committee Begins General Debate
4 October 2018 Second Committee Opens Seventy-Third Session, Approving Organization of Work
14 September 2018 Fourth Industrial Revolution Taken Up in Report of Task Force on Financing for Development, Delegates Say at Economic and Social Council, Second Committee
5 June 2018 General Assembly Elects Only Fourth Woman as President of Seventy-Third Session, Also Choosing 21 Vice-Presidents by Acclamation; Main Committees Bureaux
20 Dec 2017 General Assembly Takes Action on Second Committee Reports by Adopting 41 Texts,?Approves another to Consider Overhaul of 探花精选, Security Pillar
30 Nov 2017 Concluding Session, Second Committee Passes 14?Draft Resolutions,?Including Texts on Macroeconomic Policy, Trade Liberalization
28 Nov 2017 Second Committee Approves 21?Draft Resolutions, Including Texts on External Debt Sustainability, Agriculture Development, Combating Illicit Financial Flows
17 Nov 2017 Second Committee Approves 8 Resolutions including Text Calling upon Israel?to End Exploitation of Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syrian Golan
1 Nov 2017 Second Committee Introduces 36?Draft Resolutions, Including Texts on Protecting Global Climate, Development Needs of Middle-Income Countries
25 Oct 2017 Delegates Urge Equitable Balance between Core, Non?Core Funding Resources, as Second Committee Takes Up Operational Activities for Development
23 Oct 2017 Occupation, Natural Resource Exploitation by Israel Hindering Social, Economic Gains in Palestinian Lands, Syrian Golan, Delegates Tell Second Committee
20 Oct 2017 Scaling Up Government-Private Sector Partnerships Critical to Realizing Sustainable Development, Say Speakers in Second Committee
18 Oct 2017 Rapid City Expansion Unsustainable, Delegates Say, Urging Swifter Implementation of New Urban Agenda, as Second Committee Takes Up Human Settlements Programme
17 Oct 2017 Delegates Call for Heightened Commitment to Official Development Assistance, as Second Committee Debates Groups of Countries in Special Situations
16 Oct 2017 Global Community?Falling Short on Eradicating Hunger by 2030, Speakers Warn, as Second Committee Debates Agriculture Development, Food Security
13 Oct 2017 Speakers Critical of Criteria for Graduation to Middle-Income Status, as Second Committee Takes Up Globalization, Interdependence
12 Oct 2017 Adequate Social Protections, Equal Employment Opportunities Vital?to Eradicating Poverty, Say Delegates in Second Committee
11 Oct 2017 Entrepreneur Urges Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Benefit of All in Second Committee, Economic and Social Council Joint Meeting
10 Oct 2017 Technology Transfer, Data Collection Critical to Mitigating Climate Challenges,?Delegates Say, as Second Committee Concludes Sustainable Development Debate
9 Oct 2017 Threatening Climate Patterns Must be Addressed to Limit Disaster Risks, Deliver on 2030 Agenda, Delegates Say, as Second Committee Debates Sustainable Development
5 Oct 2017 Unilateral Sanctions Impede Sustainable Development, Speakers Say,?as Second Committee Debates Macroeconomic Policy
3 Oct 2017 Financing Gap Hampering Sustainable Development Efforts for Low, Middle-Income Countries, Say Delegates as Second Committee Concludes Debate
2 Oct 2017 Second Committee Must Focus on Overarching Objective of Tackling Poverty, Structural Needs, Delegates Say as General Debate Begins
25 Sep 2017 Second Committee Opens Seventy-Second Session, Approving Organization of Work
21 Dec 2016 General Assembly Takes Action on Second Committee Reports by Adopting 37 Texts
13 Dec 2016 Second Committee Approves 7 Draft Resolutions, including Texts on Debt Sustainability, Food Security, as It Concludes Session
8 Dec 2016 Draft Resolution Stressing Importance of Overcoming Silos in Sustainable?Development among 15 Texts Approved by Second Committee
30 Nov 2016 Second Committee Acts on 5 Draft Resolutions, Approving Text on International Decade for Action, ‘Water for Sustainable Development’, 2018-2028
23 Nov 2016 Second Committee Approves Three Draft Resolutions on Benefits of Sustainable?Tourism, Gastronomy, Development Support for Small Island States
18 Nov 2016 Speakers Stress Key Role of Entrepreneurship in Achieving Sustainable Development, as Second Committee Approves Three Draft Resolutions
8 Nov 2016 Second Committee Passes Resolution Demanding Israel Stop Exploiting Natural Resources in Occupied Territories
2 Nov 2016 Second Committee Introduces 14 Draft Resolutions, Including Text Underlining?Contribution of Migration, Human Mobility to Sustainable Development
28 Oct 2016 Regional Commissions Vital to Guiding Development Policy, Achieving 2030 Agenda, Speakers Say in Second Committee Dialogue
25 Oct 2016 Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Lands, Syrian Golan Forcing People into Poverty,?Impeding Sustainable Development, Speakers Say in Second Committee
24 Oct 2016 Sustainable Food Systems Necessary in Mitigating Climate Change, Speakers Say, as Second Committee Debates Agriculture Development, Food Security
21 Oct 2016 Reforming International Financial System, Mobilizing Development Assistance Focus, as Second Committee Concludes Debate on Macroeconomic Policy
20 Oct 2016 Speakers Call for Fair Multilateral Trading System to Ensure Sustained Growth, as Second Committee Debates Macroeconomic Policy Questions
19 Oct 2016 At Second Committee Meeting, Delegates Underline Structural Obstacles for Countries in Special Situations
18 Oct 2016 Well-Managed Migration Policies, Governance Essential, Speakers Say, at Second Committee Meeting on Globalization, Interdependence
17 Oct 2016 Technology Gap, Climate Change among Obstacles to Eradicating Poverty, Speakers Say in Second Committee
13 Oct 2016 Information and Communications Technologies Integrally Tied to Sustainable Development, Speakers Say at Second Committee Debate
11 Oct 2016 Natural Hazards, Lack of Resources Hindering Efforts to Implement Sustainable?Development Targets, Speakers Say, as Second Committee Concludes Debate
10 Oct 2016 Delegates Stress Importance of Assistance in Overcoming Climate Change, Poverty, as Second Committee Debates Sustainable Development
7 Oct 2016 Drawbacks of Globalization, Technology Expansion among Topics Highlighted, at Second Committee, Economic and Social Council Joint Meeting
6 Oct 2016 Importance of South-South Cooperation, Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review?Focus, as Second Committee Takes Up Operational Activities for Development
4 Oct 2016 Preventing Climate Change, Acknowledging Needs of Specific States Focus,?as Second Committee Concludes General Debate
3 Oct 2016 Global Economic Imbalances Threaten Sustainable Development for All,?Second Committee Hears as General Debate Begins
28 Sep 2016 Second Committee Opens Seventy-First Session, Approving Organization of Work
14 June 2016 Need to Align Working Methods with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Focus at Meeting of Second Committee
22 Dec 2015 General Assembly Adopts 48 Texts in Total as It Takes Action on Reports of Its Second Committee
14 Dec 2015 Concluding Its Session, Second Committee Unanimously Approves 18 Resolutions
10 Dec 2015 Draft Resolution Expressing ‘Profound Alarm’ over Global Rise in Greenhouse Gas Emissions among 14 Texts Approved by Second Committee
4 Dec 2015 Agricultural Technology for Sustainable Development among Eight Texts Approved by Second Committee
25 Nov 2015 Second Committee Introduces Five Draft Resolutions, Discusses Revitalizing Work of General Assembly
19 Nov 2015 Second Committee Approves Text Calling for Establishment of Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law
12 Nov 2015 Second Committee Passes Resolutions Reaffirming Rights of Palestinian People over Natural Resources, Recognizes Right to Claim Restitution
11 Nov 2015 Combating Tax Evasion Especially Critical for Developing States, Second Committee, Economic and Social Council Hear at Meeting on Domestic Resource Mobilization
5 Nov 2015 Second Committee Introduces 17 Draft Resolutions, Including Text on Raising Public Awareness of Tsunamis, Building Back Better
4 Nov 2015 Global Partnerships, Transparency Critical to Effective Sustainable Development, Delegates Say, as Second Committee Takes Up Global Partnerships
3 Nov 2015 Discussing Human Settlements, Delegates in Second Committee Say Rapid Urbanization Phenomenon Driving Force of Sustainable Development
2 Nov 2015 Social Protection, Agricultural Development Must Go Together, Speakers Stress as Second Committee Discusses Food Security, Nutrition
29 Oct 2015 Speakers Stress Official Development Assistance Critical to Economic Progress, as Second Committee Takes Up Landlocked Developing, Least Developed Countries
28 Oct 2015 Closing Digital Divide Critical to Social, Economic Development, Delegates Say at Second Committee Debate on Information and Communications Technologies
27 Oct 2015 Delegates Stress Need for Global Financial System Reform, as Second Committee Continues Discussion on Macroeconomic Policy Questions
26 Oct 2015 Development Aspirations of Palestinians Hindered by Natural Resource Exploitation, Say Speakers in Second Committee
23 Oct 2015 Preventing Illicit Financial Flows in Africa Focus of Joint Second Committee, Economic and Social Council Meeting
20 Oct 2015 Climate Change Degrading Land, Eroding Development Gains, Speakers Say, as Second Committee Concludes Debate on Sustainable Development
19 Oct 2015 Strengthening Resilience to Natural Disasters Crucial, Speakers Stress, as Second Committee Takes Up Sustainable Development
15 Oct 2015 Dissemination of Technology Essential in Achieving Equality, Poverty Eradication, Speaker Says, as Second Committee Discusses Globalization, Interdependence
13 Oct 2015 Rural Development, Gender Equality Figure Prominently, as Second Committee Takes Up Poverty Eradication
12 Oct 2015 Imbalance between Core, Non-Core Funding in United Nations Development System Reoccurring Theme, as Second Committee Discusses Operational Activities
9 Oct 2015 Discussing Working Methods, Speakers in Second Committee Stress Need to Avoid Duplication
8 Oct 2015 Importance of South-South Cooperation, Official Development Assistance Focus, as Second Committee Continues Debate on Implementing 2030 Agenda
7 Oct 2015 Special Attention to Most Vulnerable States Critical in Implementing Sustainable Development Goals, Speakers Say as Second Committee Begins General Debate
5 Oct 2015 Andrej Logar of Slovenia Chair of Second Committee
21 Sep 2015 Second Committee Begins Seventieth Session, Approving Organization of Work
15 June 2015 General Assembly Elects Danish Parliament Speaker President of Seventieth Session, also Selects 21 Vice Presidents, Main Committees Bureaux
11 Dec 2014 As Second Committee Concludes Work Approving 8 Draft Resolutions, Operational Activities of Organization, South-South Cooperation Go To Recorded Vote
5 Dec 2014 Proposal for Sovereign Debt Restructuring Framework among 6 Draft Texts Approved by Second Committee
3 Dec 2014 Draft Resolution Urging Parties to Convention on Biological Diversity to Contribute towards Sustainable Development among Texts Approved by Second Committee
1 Dec 2014 Text Calling for Global Efforts to Assist Caribbean States in Sustainable Development among 4 Draft Resolutions Approved by Second Committee
25 Nov 2014 Among Six Draft Texts Approved, Second Committee Resolution Highlights Lack of Progress in Doha, with Calls for Political Will to Break Impasse
20 Nov 2014 Second Committee Approves Text Recognizing New International Economic Order for Sustainable Economic Development
13 Nov 2014 Second Committee Approves Text Calling for Israel to End Exploitation of Natural Resources in Occupied Arab Territories
5 Nov 2014 Domestic Resource Mobilization Essential for Financing Development, Speakers Note at Second Committee Dialogue with Regional Commissions
4 Nov 2014 Agricultural Development, Food Security Unattainable without Self-Determination, Sovereignty of Palestinian People, Speakers Say in Second Committee
30 Oct 2014 Tackling Climate Change Will Enhance Efforts to Eradicate Poverty, Speaker Notes, as Second Committee Takes Up Global Partnerships for Development
29 Oct 2014 Addressing Imbalances between Core, Non-Core Resources Critical, Speakers Stress, as Second Committee Discusses Operational Activities for Development
28 Oct 2014 Adapting Land Use Practices to Climate Change Vital for Agriculture Development, Food Security, Say Second Committee Delegates
27 Oct 2014 Comprehensive Set of Measures Needed to Leverage Migration for Development, Speaker Says, as Second Committee Takes Up Globalization, Interdependence
23 Oct 2014 As Second Committee Takes Up Countries in Special Situations, Speakers Call for Intensified Efforts to Fully Implement Istanbul Programme of Action
22 Oct 2014 Fair Multilateral System Essential to Sustained Growth for Developing Countries, Second Committee Hears in Debate on International Trade, Development
21 Oct 2014 Outcome of Financing for Development Conference Needs to ‘Make a Difference on the Ground’, Speaker Says, As Second Committee Debates Macroeconomic Policy
20 Oct 2014 Donor States Should Support Efforts by Developing Countries to Eradicate Poverty, Delegates Say as Second Committee Discusses Secretary-General’s Report
16 Oct 2014 Biodiversity Protection, Responsible Land Management Critical to Post-2015 Agenda, Delegates Stress, as Second Committee Concludes Sustainable Development Debate
15 Oct 2014 Taking Up Multiple Reports on Sustainable Development, Second Committee Delegates Stress Commitment to Combating Climate Change
14 Oct 2014 Speakers Address Challenges Posed by Rapid Urbanization as Second Committee Debates Implementation of UN-Habitat II Outcome
13 Oct 2014 Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Bridging Digital Divide Focus as Second Committee Debates Macroeconomic Policy, Information Technologies for Development
9 Oct 2014 Speakers Stress Need for Increased Effectiveness, Efficiency as Second Committee Takes Up Improving Working Methods
8 Oct 2014 Addressing Sovereign Debt Distress among Issues Tackled, as Second Committee Continues Debate on Sustainable Development Goals
7 Oct 2014 Eradication of Poverty Critical to Future Development Activities, Speakers Stress, as Second Committee Opens Session
19 Sep 2014 Second Committee Opens Sixty-ninth Session Approving Organization of Work
11 Dec 2013 Ten Draft Resolutions Approved as Second Committee Concludes Its Session
6 Dec 2013 Second Committee Approves 16 Draft Resolutions Including Text Urging Banks to Move Forward on Aid for Developing Countries
3 Dec 2013 Second Committee Approves 7 draft resolutions including text on reducing post-harvest food losses, waste
27 Nov 2013 Second Committee Approves Texts on Agriculture, Rural Development, as Delegates Also Pass Draft on United Nations University Charter
21 Nov 2013 Second Committee Approves Text on Operational Activities for Development, Takes up Amendments to United Nations University Charter
14 Nov 2013 Second Committee Approves Text Demanding Israel Comply with International Law, End Exploitation of Arab Resources
13 Nov 2013 Regulation of Financial Institutions Critical to Avoiding Spread of Global Risk, Speaker Says as Second Committee Debates Economic Crisis
8 Nov 2013 With New Technologies Will Come Challenge of Learning New Skill Sets, Speaker Tells Second Committee in Discussion on Future Employment
6 Nov 2013 Investors Can Have Both Financial, Social Returns, Says Business Leader as Second Committee Discusses Sustainable Development Challenges
5 Nov 2013 General Assembly President Calls Financial Resources ‘Lifeblood’ of Race to Meet Development Targets
4 Nov 2013 Countries Must Break Unsustainable Consumption Patterns, Say Speakers as Second Committee Begins Sustainable Development Debate
1 Nov 2013 Climate Change Greatest Threat to Small Island States, Delegate Tells Second Committee, Urging Critical International Support for Survival
31 Oct 2013 Regional Voices Must Be Heard, Priorities Captured in Post-2015 Agenda, Commission Head Tells Second Committee
30 Oct 2013 Control, Exploitation of Resources Detrimental to Palestinian Development, Delegates Say in Second Committee
29 Oct 2013 United Nations, Private Sector Central to Development, Delegates Say as Second Committee Takes Up Global Partnerships
28 Oct 2013 Holistic Approach Critical in Addressing Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Delegates Say, as Second Committee Takes Up Food Security, Nutrition
24 Oct 2013 Trade Reform, Removal of Protectionist Measures Vital to Economic Growth, Second Committee Hears in Debate on Macroeconomic Policy Questions
23 Oct 2013 New Approach Needed to Address Vulnerabilities of Middle-Income Countries, Delegates Say in Debate on Globalization, Interdependence
22 Oct 2013 Bridging Digital Divide Critical to Economic Opportunities, Delegates Say as Second Committee Takes Up Information and Communications Technology
21 Oct 2013 Improved Transport Infrastructure, Greater Regional Cooperation Stressed as Second Committee Considers Countries in Special Situations
17 Oct 2013 Burden of Unpaid Work Must Be Valued, Formal Sectors Opened to Women, Delegates Urge as Second Committee Takes Up Poverty Eradication
16 Oct 2013 New Global Economic Governance Must Address Debt Restructuring, Trade, Investment, Delegates Say as Second Committee Considers Macroeconomic Policies
14 Oct 2013 With Report Pointing to Slowing Pace in Development Funding, Delegates Stress Importance of South-South Cooperation, as Second Committee Concludes
11 Oct 2013 Delegates Urge Greater Balance between Developed, Developing Countries in Fighting Global Ills, as Second Committee Concludes General Debate
10 Oct 2013 Delegates in Second Committee Raise Concerns over Widening Gap between Emerging, Least Developed Countries
9 Oct 2013 Quality of Teachers in Developing World Critical to Students’ Long-Term Success, Says Keynote Speaker as Second Committee Begins General Debate
2 Oct 2013 Abdou Salam Diallo of Senegal Elected Chair of Second Committee
21 Dec 2012 Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review, Implementation of Rio+20 Outcome Draw Attention as General Assembly Takes Up Second Committee Reports
14 Dec 2012 Draft Resolution Approved in Second Committee Stresses Primary Role of Governments for National Development, Coordinating External Aid
13 Dec 2012 Second Committee Approves Draft Resolution Stressing Essential Role of Aid in Complementing, Leveraging, Sustaining Development Financing Goals
12 Dec 2012 Draft Resolution Stresses Need to Increase Investment in Agriculture, Rural Development, as Second Committee Approves Three Texts without Vote
11 Dec 2012 Text Approved in Second Committee Stresses Shared Responsibility of Creditors, Debtors for Preventing Unsustainable Debt Situations
7 Dec 2012 Text Approved in Second Committee Would Urge General Assembly to Increase Voluntary Funding for United Nations Environment Programme
5 Dec 2012 Economic and Financial Committee Approves Text Stressing Need to Increase Share of New Energy Sources in Global Mix
30 Nov 2012 Second Committee Approves Draft Resolution Stressing Need to Strengthen Scientific Base of Activities against Desertification, Drought
28 Nov 2012 Second Committee Approves Text Stressing Need for Further Substantial Consideration of Mauritius Strategy on Small Island Developing States
21 Nov 2012 Second Committee Approves Text Demanding End to Israel's Exploitation of Natural Resources in Occupied Arab Lands
15 Nov 2012 Management Can Determine Whether Migration Has Positive or Negative Impact, Second Committee Panel Discussion Told
13 Nov 2012 General Assembly President, in Address to Second Committee, Identifies Elements of 'Perfect Storm' Afflicting Agricultural Output
12 Nov 2012 Second Committee Speakers Hail 'Mobile Revolution' While Underlining Need to Bridge Gap in Access to Broadband Connectivity
9 Nov 2012 Full Access to Information and Communications Technology Would Boost Developing World’s Participation in Global Economy, Second Committee Told
8 Nov 2012 Desertification, Drought Affect One Third of Planet, World’s Poorest People, Second Committee Told as It Continues Debate on Sustainable Development
7 Nov 2012 Rio+20 Conference ‘A Crucial Milestone’, Second Committee Told as Speakers Stress Urgent Need to Address Climate Change, Build Post-2015 Development Agenda
6 Nov 2012 Israeli Attacks Timed to Coincide with Olive Harvests, Second Committee Told during Discussion on Arab Sovereignty over Resources in Occupied Lands
5 Nov 2012 Unfulfilled Global Pledges Impact Fight against Hunger, Second Committee Told as It Considers Agricultural Development
1 Nov 2012 Global Commitment to Sustainable Urban Development Will Be Reinvigorated Through 2016 World Summit, ‘Urban Agenda for 21st Century’, Second Committee Told
25 Oct 2012 Ability to Handle Crisis-hit Major Economies Crucial in Combating Risk of Sovereign Debt Default, Keynote Speaker Tells Second Committee
24 Oct 2012 Speaker in Second Committee Highlights Imbalances Preventing Greater Share of World Trade for Least Developed Countries
23 Oct 2012 Trade Imbalances Worsening Effects of Global Crisis for Least Developed Countries, Second Committee Told During Discussion on Macroeconomic Policy Questions
22 Oct 2012 Comprehensive Approach of Monterrey Consensus, Doha Declaration Still Most Effective in Addressing Financing for Development, Second Committee Told
18 Oct 2012 Speakers Discuss Benefits, Pitfalls of Migration as Second Committee Considers ‘Globalization and Interdependence’
17 Oct 2012 Resources for Office of Countries in Special Situations Do Not Match Expanded Mandate, High Representative Tells Second Committee
16 Oct 2012 Human Life Dependent on ‘Planetary Boundaries’ That Should Not Be Crossed, Says Panellist in Second Committee Special Event
15 Oct 2012 Deputy Secretary-General Urges Second Committee to Use Quadrennial Policy Review to Help Reaffirm, Re-energize United Nations Development System
15 Oct 2012 Millions Worldwide Deserve International Community’s Best Efforts, Stresses Deputy Secretary-General in Second Committee
10 Oct 2012 ‘Fully Fledged War’ Needed to Eradicate Poverty, Second Committee Told as It Concludes General Debate
9 Oct 2012 Delegate Warns Second Committee Colleagues Not to Lose Sight of Emerging Food Insecurity Threat, as General Debate Continues
8 Oct 2012 Inclusive Economic Structure Depends on Effective, Centralized State, Says Keynote Speaker as Second Committee Opens General Debate
21 Sep 2012 Second Committee Elects Vice-Chair to Fill Remaining Bureau Vacancy
18 Sep 2012 George Talbot of Guyana Chair of Second Committee
4 Sep 2012 Second Committee Elects Bureau for Sixty-Seventh General Assembly Session
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