On International Mother Language Day, we are pleased to release our publication titled “Multilingualism at the United Nations”. This is the second volume of the “Why it Matters” series that focuses on essential themes for the UN. The series provides readers with a comprehensive overview as well as insightful background information on the internal workings and the accomplishments of the Organization, backed by selected, credible sources and research expertise.

The latest publication is dedicated to multilingualism at the United Nations. It provides historical insights into the UN’s language arrangements and explores how multilingualism has evolved from a founding principle to a core value of the Organization that Secretary-General António Guterres has included among his priorities. As an enabler of multilateral diplomacy and a central factor in communication, multilingualism plays a key role in the daily work of the UN.

Knowledgeable in UN documentation, the UN librarians offer in this publication a narrative based on the official documents of the Organization. Throughout the text you will find direct links to historical and recent documents – so this guide to multilingualism becomes a lively chronicle for colleagues, researchers and everyone around the globe who wants to learn more about the role of languages in the United Nations.

This publication also received the support of the UN Coordinator for Multilingualism.

It is available in the six official languages of the United Nations, and German, from the series website: /en/library/whyitmatters