
Groups of Member States

Groups of Member States


The Member States are organized in formal and informal groups with a variety of different purposes and memberships. The list below is not comprehensive and focuses on the types of groups relevant to and active in the GA.


Regional Groups

As previously stated in this Guideh regional groups were formed to facilitate the equitable geographical distribution of seats among the Member States in different UN bodies. To date the groups are as follows:

  1. Asia-Pacific Group (53 Member States)
  2. Eastern European Group (23 Member States)
  3. Latin American and Caribbean Group (33 Member States)
  4. Western European and Others Group (28 Member States + United States as Observer)

The United States is not an official member of any group. It participates as an observer in WEOG meetings and is considered a member of for voting purposes. Turkey is a member of both the Asian Group and the WEOG, and for voting purposes is considered a member of WEOG only. The Holy See participates in WEOG meetings as an observer. Several non-European States are part of WEOG: these are: Australia, Canada, Israel, and New Zealand.

While the regional groups formally exist for electoral and ceremonial purposes, some also choose to coordinate on substantive issues and/or use the group structure to share information.

The Chairs of the regional groups rotate on a monthly basis. Their names can be found in the . The Chairs are invited to speak on behalf of the group on ceremonial occasions (such as commemorative meetings).


Main Political Groups

The following are groups that regularly make joint statements in formal GA meetings. Not all members of these groups are UN Member States. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Group of 77 and China (G-77)

The Group of 77, known as G-77 is an organization of developing countries designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the UN. It comprises around 130 members. The Chair rotates every year starting on 1 January. In the GA, the G-77 coordinates on all Second (economic and financial) and Fifth Committee (administrative and budgetary) issues as well as some Third Committee (social, humanitarian and cultural) and Plenary items relating to economic issues and development. The G-77 maintains permanent offices at the UN.

Website please see: .

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a group of States that do not consider themselves aligned formally with or against any major power bloc. NAM comprises around 120 members and 18 observers. NAM summits take place every three years. The host country of the summit is automatically the Chair until the next summit. The “NAM Troika” consists of the current, previous and incoming Chair. In the GA, the group coordinates on a variety of issues, comprising First (disarmament and international security), Fourth (decolonization), Sixth (legal) and some Third (social, humanitarian and cultural) Committee issues. The Permanent Mission of the NAM Chair is the focal point for all communication with the group.

Joint Coordination Committee (JCC)

The JCC is a coordination and harmonization mechanism for NAM and the G-77, reinforcing cooperation and coordination in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of work between the two. Joint NAM and G-77 statements can be made in the name of the JCC.

The EU is an economic and political union between 28 European countries. The EU has its own diplomatic service and a permanent office, the Delegation of the European Union, in New York. The EU has an enhanced observer status in the GA and coordinates on the entire range of UN activities. The EU presidency rotates every six months.

The African Union has 53 members. The African Union has observer status and maintains a permanent office in New York. The AU and the African Group work closely together on GA issues. The AU Delegation in New York provides conference facilities for the Group of African States. It is usually the African Group that speaks in the GA and not the African Union.

AOSIS is an alliance of 42 small island states and low-lying coastal countries. Its Chair rotates every three years.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has ten members. The Chair rotates annually.


On certain issues Canada, Australia and New Zealand coordinate their positions and may authorize one among them to speak or negotiate on behalf of all three.

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is an organization of 15 Caribbean nations and dependencies. Its Chair rotates on a quarterly basis among its members. CARICOM has observer status and maintains a permanent office in NY.

Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

The LDCs are a group of countries whose membership is based on a set of criteria defined by the GA. There are currently 48 LDCs. The Chair of the group rotates every three years.

There are 22 LLDCs. The special situation of LLDCs is recognized by the GA. The Chair rotates every two years.

The League of Arab States (sometimes called “the Arab League”) is a regional organization. It has 22 members and four observers. Its Chair rotates on a monthly basis. The League of Arab States coordinates on Fourth Committee (decolonization) and Middle East issues.

The League of Arab States has observer status and maintains a permanent office in New York.

The Nordic Council groups together Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as three autonomous areas. Its presidency rotates annually.

The OIC is an organization with 57 Member States. The host country of the Islamic Summit Conference assumes the chair of the organization for three years. The OIC has observer status and maintains a permanent office in NY.

The Pacific Islands Forum is a political grouping of 16 independent and self-governing States. The host country of the annual Forum is also the chair for the year following the Forum.

The Rio Group is an organization of 23 Latin American and Caribbean States. The Member State that hosts the summit of the Rio Group is also the Chair for the two years until the next summit.


Other Groups

is an informal group of Member States that originally consisted of Japan, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (hence the name). The group has expanded and now includes other countries that do not belong to the G-77, NAM, or the EU. JUSCANZ coordinates mainly on Second (economic and financial) and Third (social, humanitarian and cultural) Committee issues. Its membership and the scope of coordination are different for the two committees.

The term “Major Groups” is used in the context of Sustainable Development when referring to civil society organizations. There are nine major group sectors: Business and industry, Children and youth, Farmers, Indigenous peoples, Local authorities, NGOs, Scientific and technological community, Women, and Workers and Trade Unions.