
Monarch butterflies


The Incredible Dolphin Airlift - Saved by a Helicopter!

See the only dolphin to ever fly through the air over roads and highways. And find out the way to REALLY save dolphins, not just one at a time but across the planet. Learn the secrets of a Portuguese marine biologist and the local fisherwomen she enlists as Guardians of the Sea. Their campaign to protect the seagrass meadows is making a big difference in the fight against climate change.


Sayta Tripathi

Nature and wildlife, critical to our existence

Assistant Secretary-General, Satya Tripathi, describes 2020 as a “super year for nature”, warning that we are currently standing on “the precipice of complete annihilation”. Listen this interview about the challenges we face.


Every year from November to April, flocks of the elegant and graceful cranes travel to the vast plateau wetlands in a nature reserve located in the Yunnan Province, China. Chen Guanghui works on making sure these cranes do not struggle to find food during extreme weather conditions.

The first wave of desert locust swarms hit Somalia in 2019. Fields became barren with nothing left behind for animals to graze and the livelihoods of agropastoralists were shattered in a matter of hours. In recent years, the development of nature-based biopesticides has offered a safe alternative to locust control.

Thousands of plant species and varieties that fed our ancestors are already extinct, and we are losing more every day. Get to know some ’s projects that support Indigenous farmers in developing countries to safeguard and use plant genetic diversity for food security.