
Welcome remarks UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue for Climate Action, “Building Food and Water Security in an Era of Climate Shocks”

Dear Colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the first session of the Global Policy Dialogues for Climate Action: Building a Global Coalition for Sustainability after COVID-19. 

These policy dialogues intend to highlight the multiple ways that climate change is threatening the fragile progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. They will examine the interlinkages between food, water, energy, transport, forests, financing, and climate change. 

Today’s session will focus on “Food and Water Security in an Era of Climate Shocks.” It is co-organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs with our partners in the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the World Food Programme. 

The experts gathered here will discuss how climate change is affecting people’s access to water for sufficient, safe and nutritious food. Indeed, water scarcity, floods and long-term drought are just some of the factors leaving food production and distribution systems vulnerable to collapse. 

We will also discuss how Governments, the private sector, consumers and other stakeholders can work together to ensure that water resources are used sustainably in a changing climate.

This conversation will serve as a UN Food Systems Summit Dialogue, supporting Action Track 1 on ensuring safe and nutritious food for all. It will also support Action Track 5 on building resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stress. 

As noted by the United Nations Secretary-General, 2021 is the critical year for mobilizing the global coalition for carbon neutrality. Net-zero emissions would give us the best chance for protecting our water resources, and ensure an adequate food supply for all. 

My hope is that the insights presented by the experts today will be of value to you as we work together to achieve the shared SDGs and climate agenda.   

I thank you. 


File date: 
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mr. Liu