
Voluntary National Contributions (VNCs)

In accordance with paragraph 30 of the Strategic Plan, Member States may, on a voluntary basis, determine their contributions towards achieving the global forest goals and targets, taking into account their national circumstances, policies, priorities, capacities, levels of development and forest conditions. These “voluntary national contributions” or VNCs, may include national actions and targets related to other international forest-related commitments and goals, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and actions to address climate change under the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Since the adoption of the Strategic Plan in April 2017, an increasing number of countries have announced their VNCs towards achieving the Global Forest Goals and Targets. At its 13th session of the Forum in 2018, Member States of the Forum requested the UNFF Secretariat to compile, in a publicly accessible and centralized repository, all announcements of the voluntary national contributions communicated to the secretariat. At its 15th session in 2020, the Forum adopted a “Simple Format” for members of the Forum to communicate voluntary national contributions to the secretariat.

This webpage provides links to the voluntary national contributions that have been received as of May 2024.