
Forests and Global crises

Recent background papers, assessment reports and policy briefs on the interlinkages between forests and global development crises.

Forest Fires

  • Background paper on Impacts of disasters on forests, in particular forest fires
  • Initial Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Forest Management (2021)

  • Co-Chairs Summary of the UNFF Expert Group Meeting on the Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sustainable Forest Management [pdf]
    African States [pdf] | Asia-Pacific States [pdf] | Canada and the USA [pdf] | Eastern European States [pdf] | Latin American and Caribbean States [pdf] | Western European and other States [pdf]
  • Second Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Forests and Forest Sector (2022) )

  • UNFF Expert Group meeting: Assessment of the Impacts of COVID-19 on Forests and the Forests Sector | 2-4 February 2022 (virtual) | Co-Chairs Summary
  • Assessment reports (2022): Africa | Asia-Pacific | Eastern Europe | Latin America | North America | Western Europe and Other States
  • Policy Briefs

  • Financing sustainable forest management: a key component of sustainable COVID-19 recovery [pdf]
  • Forests: at the heart of a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic [pdf]