
Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) launched

To support the shift to a decentralized management paradigm, the General Assembly approved the establishment of two new departments - the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) and the Department of Operational Support (DOS). On 1 January 2019, both departments were launched.

On management issues, DMSPC has a clear policy, strategy and compliance role, while DOS is focused on operations, services, transactions and support to entities in weak environments.

Management reform affects all staff in the Secretariat. In line with the decentralization of authority, executive offices, administrative units and mission support components are the first port of call for staff who require advice on policy interpretation or implementation in the areas of human resources, budgetary and financial management, supply chain management or general administration. More complex matters, or areas in which a pooled approach to processes or resources remains warranted, will be raised to the attention of DOS, while DMSPC will monitor compliance with obligations and address challenges that require a policy-level response.

Most entities previously supported by the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, the Executive Office of the Department of Management or the joint Executive Office of the Departments of 探花精选keeping Operations and Field Support, are now supported by the Headquarters Client Support Section of the Division of Administration in DOS.

With enhanced accountability and transparency, as well as client-focus at the centre of the Secretariat, the new management paradigm will help break silos, harness good practices and develop common values across the United Nations system.