
Research Database



Name 鈫
Academic Host Institution
Position (as at date of Fellowship)
Alessa, Malak  Saudi Arabia  2023 Maritime boundary delimitation and methods of dispute settlements under the international law of the sea Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS), Utrecht University, Netherlands  
Natify, Widad Morocco 2023 The implementation of international conventions and instruments to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in Morocco Max Planck Foundation for International 探花精选 and the Rule of Law, Germany  
Gideon, Racheal Kenya 2023 The role of women engagement in the development of sustainable small scale fisheries in the coastal fishing community of Kenya University of Strathclyde  
Martins de Andrade, Mariana Brazil 2023 Fostering an Inclusive science-based approach to ocean governance in Brazil University of Rhode Island, United States  
Gaunavou, Litia Fiji 2023 Maritime boundaries in the Pacific and the way forward with Marine Spatial Planning World Maritime University, Sweden   
Aryal, Himal  Nepal  2023 Unlocking "access" to utilize marine resources by land-locked developing States University of New South Wales, Australia  
Mhando, Hassan Tanzania 2023 Analysis of levels of compliance with the regional and international fisheries obligations in the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) University of Tromso, Norway  
Alifo, Divine Ghana 2023 Fisheries laws and regulations in the West Central Gulf of Guinea Member States: A comparative study University of Rhode Island, United States  
Dany Channraksmeychhoukroth  Cambodia 2023 Equitable solution for delimiting the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf: The role of environmental and sociocultural factors as relevant circumstances in case law  University of Tromso, Norway  
Gorcharoenwat, Puncharas Thailand 2023 High seas boarding inspection in the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) University of Wollongong, Australia  
Brume-Edeki, Omovigho Cynthia Nigeria 2023 Identifying the legal challenges to prosecuting piracy and other maritime offences in Nigeria: Developing a clear-cut strategy for an effective legal finish University of Wollongong, Australia  
Nguyen, Quynh Duong Viet Nam  2022 Marine renewable energy in achieving the SDG 14: prospects for Viet Nam Columbia University, United States  
Neokye, Emmanuel Okine Ghana 2022 Harnessing the Sustainable use of Ghana's Economy: A review of laws and policies on IUU as a Legal Framework with reference to UNCLOS and other International Architecture for better Fisheries Resources Management  Dalhousie University, Canada  
Kong Mukwele, Sheila Cameroon 2022 Regional Ocean Governance in the Southeast Atlantic Sub-region and the creation of transboundary marine protected areas: Overcoming self-interests and apprehensions for the benefits of fighting together against common challenges University of Tromso, Norway  
Emrith, Vinesh Mauritius 2022 Local-level Practices and National-level Policies on Marine and Coastal Conservation: A Review for Small Island Developing States, with a Focus on the Republic of Mauritius  Saint Mary's University, Canada  
Palazzo Almada, Lais Brazil  2022 Challenges for exploration and exploitation of oil and gas on the outer continental shelf: UNCLOS Article 82 and the Brazilian case Cardiff University, United Kingdom  
Ali, Baber Pakistan 2022 Indo-Pak maritime relations and a proposed joint fishery regime: a human rights perspective Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom  
Shamira Abdulai Yakubu Ghana 2022 Illegal unreported and unregulated fishing as a threat to Ghana's maritime security. The need to strengthen existing mechanisms University of Rhode Island  
Akware, Emmah Kenya 2022 Sharing transboundary resources: An analysis of joint development options for transboundary hydrocarbon resources between Kenya and Somalia Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS), Utrecht University, Netherlands  
Tekin Fatma, Betul  罢眉谤办颈测别 2020 Area-based management tools in the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom  
Ngah, Helene Florence  Cameroon 2020 Maritime enforcement in Africa: the case study of Gulf of Guinea States Australian Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS)  
Aonima, Calvy Solomon Islands 2019   University of New South Wales  
Bola帽os, Mariana Blanco Costa Rica 2019   New University of Lisbon  
Mendez, Marisol Hernandez Mexico 2019 Relationship between Water Management and Preservation of Marine Protected Areas. Institutional Perspective within the Framework of the UNCLOS and Other International Instruments University of Strathclyde  
Jiddou, Sid Ahmed Mauritania 2019   Universit茅 de Nantes  
Johnson, Ama-Arhinaba Ghana 2019 Ghana in the Midst of Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Gulf Of Guinea Utrecht University  
Madeira, Katryana Camila Brazil 2019   University of Massachusetts  
Miminoshvili, Natia Georgia 2019   World Maritime University  
Monwar, Mostafa Bangladesh 2019 Linking Maritime Spatial Planning for Blue Growth in Bangladesh University of Wollongong  
Rakotondrazafy, Sariaka Ravaka Andrianavalona Madagascar 2019   Saint Mary鈥檚 University  
Rodchevid, Thira Thailand 2019 The Strengthening of Cooperation in Context of the 2009 Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) in ASEAN Countries for Combating Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Dalhousie University  
Salim, Aditya Indonesia 2019   Istanbul Bilgi University  
El Diwany, Ibrahim Egypt 2018 Legal Rules Applicable to the Equitable Maritime Boundaries Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: An Egyptian Perspective Utrecht University  
Ekwutosi, Emezina-Iyoke Nigeria 2018   Tulane University  
Logo, Misornu Ghana 2018 Fisheries laws and policies, an essential tool for sustainable management of fisheries resources. A review of the Ghana fisheries legal framework against the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international protocols and treaties with special focus on IUU Fishing  Dalhousie University  
Nougi-Booh, Andrea Therese Mailys Cameroon 2018   Cardiff University, United Kingdom  
Abeykoon, Magodalle Mudiyanselage K.P. Sri Lanka 2018 A New Instrument for Challenges for The Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity Beyond the Areas of National Jurisdiction and Its Implications for South Asian Region Istanbul Bilgi University  
Alamoush, Anas Jordan 2018   World Maritime University  
Agustina, Kirana Indonesia 2018 How to Reinforce Regional Cooperation in Sustaining Ocean, Marine, and its Biodiversity for Sustainable Development Goals Study case: Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Wollongong University  
Da Silva, Adelsia Maria Assuncao Coelho Timor-Leste 2018   University of Edinburgh  
Wini, Lysa Solomon Islands 2018   University of Strathclyde  
Feliz, Angela Gonzalez Dominican Republic 2018   University of the West Indies  
Carrillo, Melania Guerra Costa Rica 2018   University of Milano-Bicocca  
Paredes, Ricardo Dominican Republic 2018 Analysis on the Legitimacy of the Declaration of The Dominican Republic as an Archipelagic State and its Legality Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the International Law National Oceanography Centre  
Camara, Bangaly Guinea 2017 Assessment of Fishery Agreements Between Guinea and the European Union Analysis Impacts of Partenarship and Legal Reforms Utrecht University  
Biloa, Parfait Cameroon 2017 Protection fonctionnelle des syst猫mes marins et c么tiers dans le cadre des Accords Environnementaux Multilat茅raux dans les pays avec littoral : cas du Cameroun University of Edinburgh  
Migodela, Edith Getrude United Republic of Tanzania 2017 Towards Management of Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks: APerspective fromthe United Republic of Tanzania University of Wollongong  
Roucou, Yannick Seychelles 2017 The Inclusion of Fisheries in a New Internationally Legally Binding Instrument for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction  World Maritime University  
Htet, Theint Myanmar 2017

Protection of Marine Environment under the Law of the Sea

World Maritime University  
Khanal, Gobinda Nepal 2017 Right of Access of Land-Locked States to and from the Sea: Case of Nepal Ghent University  
Sabir, Kareem Barbados 2017 Developing a Knowledge Base for Sustainable Ocean Governance in Barbados  University of Rhode Island  
Naibaho, Nicolaus Indonesia 2017 Strengthening the Role of Ports in Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in Indonesia University of Southampton  
Santos, Felipe Brazil 2017

Promoting Policies in Research, Development and Innovation for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Brazil

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  
Afachawo, Kouete Koffi Togo 2016 LA PROBLEMATIQUE DE L鈥橢XTENSION DU PLATEAU CONTINENTAL DU TOGO University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis  
Bumbury, Randy Terry Guyana 2016 The socioeconomic impacts of robbery at sea on the economic stability of Guyana University of Rhode Island  
Busro, Zaki Mubarok Indonesia 2016 Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Transnational Organized Fisheries Crimes: Perspectives of Legal and Policy Measures of Indonesia Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University  
Butale, Bojotlhe Oarabile Gabofetane Botswana 2016 Bridging the Gap to the Sea for Landlocked States: A Case for Botswana Utrecht University  
Espenilla, Jacqueline Joyce Philippines 2016 Escalation and De-Escalation: Approaches to the South China Sea Tensions Columbia Law School  
Gichuri, Caroline Wamaitha Kenya 2016 Good Governance as a Sustainable Solution for Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships on Africa鈥檚 Coastal Waters: The Cases of Somalia and The Gulf of Guinea World Maritime University  
Pizzati, Vivian Lezama Honduras 2016 History and Development: A Condominium in The Gulf of Fonseca Max Planck Institute  
Mudiyanselage, Maheepala Sri Lanka 2016 Identifying International Fisheries Management Initiatives and fisheries law enforcement barriers in Sri Lanka 鈥揊ishers鈥 prospects University of Wollongong  
Maisema, Epeli Fiji 2016 Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries Between Neighbouring States A Case of Fiji National Oceanography Centre  
Odanwu, Chizoba Nigeria 2016 Evaluation of Nigerian Legal Framework for Effective Prosecution of Maritime Crimes and Proposals for Reform University of Ireland, Galway  
Fatubarin, Ayokunle Nigeria 2015 Developing a Clear-Cut Policy and Strategy for Oil Spill Response and Investigation Towards Promoting a Sustainable Ocean-Based Economy in Nigeria World Maritime University  
Marzougui, Ahlem Tunisia 2015

Le Flou Juridique des Aires Marines Prot茅g茅es en Haute Mer Etude de cas : La M茅diterran茅e

Nice University  
Mulwa, Lydia-Mutindi Republic of Namibia 2015 Elements of success in Namibian law and policyon sustainable fisheries:A law and policy evaluation of Namibia鈥檚 property rights approach to sustainable fisheries in light of obligations set down in the UNCLOS and related international agreements National University of Ireland -Galway  
Herman, Alexandrya Cook Islands 2015

Assessing the Ocean Governance Frameworks Underpinning Deep Sea Minerals Development in the Cook Islands 

Nice University  
Ioseliani, Tamara Georgia 2015 Generally Accepted International Rules, Regulations, Procedures and Practices鈥 in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and the IMO Mandatory Instruments in Regards Maritime Safety University of Queensland  
Quintos, Mary Fides Republic of the Philippines 2015 Prospects for Provisional Arrangements in the West Philippine Sea Post- Arbitration University of Wollongong  
Taimur, Faziz People鈥檚 Republic of Bangladesh 2015 Marine Protected Areas in Bangladesh: A Perspective on Governance and Management Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT-Bremen)  
Abreu, Carina Brazil 2015 Brazilian Coastal and Marine Protected AreasImportance, Current Status and Recommendations University of Rhode Island  
Sanchez, Lester Delgado Cuba 2015 The State's Role in Building of a Legal System of Liability and Compensation for Transboundary Damage in The Gulf of Mexico Tulane University  
Figueroa, Francisco Guttierrez Peru 2015 A Peruvian Perspective for The Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction University of Delaware  
De Lion, Francis Coeur Republic of Seychelles 2014-2015 The Management of Activities on the Seychelles-Mauritius Joint Extended Continental Shelf on the Mascarene Plateau  Australian National Centre for
Ocean Resources & Security, University of Wollongong
Mwale, Chanju Republic of Malawi 2014-2015 The Question of Access to the Sea for Southern Africa鈥檚 Landlocked States: Dependence or Cooperation? University of Edinburgh  
Andriamampandry, Riambatosoa Rakotondrazafy Republic of Madagascar 2014-2015 Towards Developing Governance Strategies for a Sustainable Management of The Fisheries Sector in Madagascar, Through the Implementation of a Marine Gelose University of British Columbia  
Pereira, Mariana Brazil 2014-2015 The Environmental Licensing of Ports and Dredging Activities in the Coastal and Marine Zones in Brazil as an Instrument for the Implementation of International Legal Regime University of Massachusetts  
Al Hinai, Mubarak Sultanate of Oman 2014-2015 Establishing the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf under the LOSC: Oman as a Case StudyEstablishing the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf under the LOSC: Oman as a Case Study University of Southampton  
Dairairam, Samharn Thailand 2014-2015

Do Solutions to International Security Issues of Poorly Defined Maritime Boundaries Require Legal, Political, and Technical Tools

National Oceanography Center  
Pirposhteh, Zakieh Taghizadeh Islamic Republic of Iran 2014-2015

鈥淚ran鈥檚 Legal Perspective on Maritime Security Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region鈥 Stronger Cooperation to Eliminate Maritime Organized Crimes at Sea under International Law 

Utrecht University  
Nisa, Zahidah (Zaidy) Grenada 2014-2015 Sharing the Responsibility of the Implementation of New International Voluntary Guidelines for Small-Scale Fisheries via Regional and National Networks University of Rhode Island  
Prado, Gonzalo Rodriguez Uruguay 2014-2015 International Experiences in the Legal Protection and Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage and Their Possible Implementation in Uruguay University of Milano-Bicocca  
Chavez, Maria Amalia Rodriguez Costa Rica 2013-2014 A Proposal for the Establishment of a Regional Management Framework for the Central American Dome National University of Ireland  
Drammeh, Famara Gambia 2013-2014 Assessing and Adapting to Climate-Change Induced Sea-level Rise on the Southern Coastline of The Gambia World Maritime University  
Ghayoumi, Razieh Iran 2013-2014 Marine and Coastal Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) in the South of Iran and a Review of Related Laws  St. Mary鈥檚 University  
Hassanali, Kahlil Trinidad and Tobago 2013-2014 Examining the Ocean and Coastal Governance Framework in Trinidad and Tobago Transitioning Towards Integrated Coastal Zone Management University of Rhode Island  
Kuboja, Bigeyo United Republic of Tanzania 2013-2014 Policies and legal frameworks for Marine Protected Areas governance in Tanzania mainland: their potential and limitations for achieving conservation and livelihood goals Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology  
Pham, Gam Viet Nam 2013-2014 Coastal and Island Governance in Viet Nam Columbia University  
Quiroz, Carolina Mexico 2013-2014 Transboundary Cooperation in the Management of Oil Spills from Offshore Installations in The Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem Tulane University  
Shortte, Ferique St. Vincent & the Grenadines 2013-2014 Promoting Sustainable Fish Trade Between Caricom States and Their Trading Partners The EU And US: The Case of St Vincent and The Grenadines University of Wollongong  
Tanielu, Tearinaki Kiribati 2013-2014 鈥淓stablishment of a National Regulatory Framework for the Exploration and Exploitation of Deep Sea Minerals: A Case Study for Kiribati鈥 University of Queensland  
Pyawan, Joseph Papua New Guinea 2012-2013 Coastal State Jurisdiction and ship source pollution: The International Law of the Sea Framework for Papua New Guinea Legislation Tulane University  
Castro, Maria Cecilia Brazil 2012-2013 Implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention, 2004 鈥 Background Information on the Subject and Enforcement Procedures  National Oceanography Centre,
Southampton (NERC)
Jit, Joytishna Fiji 2012-2013 Legal Regimes for the Conservation of Pacific Sharks and Capacity for Implementation in Small Island Developing States Australian National Centre for
Ocean Resources & Security, University of Wollongong
Kaouthara, Mmadi Comores 2012-2013 Le Comores et le Droit International de la mer Centre de Droit Maritime
et Oc茅anique, Universit茅 de Nantes
Dzah, Godwin Ghana 2012-2013 Toward a Comprehensive Ballast Water Legislative and Implementation Regime: Lessons for Ghana Marine Environmental Law Institute,
Dalhousie University
Parris, Nicole Barbados 2012-2013 Towards an Ocean Policy for Integrated Governance of the Caribbean Sea and the Sustainable Development of the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR): What Could it Look Like and How Would it Work? Marine Affairs Programme,
Dalhousie University
Indu, Fiona Solomon Islands 2012-2013 REGIONAL FISHERIES POLICY IN THE PACIFIC; A case study on the Treaty between Certain Pacific Islands States and the United States on Fisheries University of New South Wales  
Febrica, Senia Indonesia 2012-2013 Accounting for Feasible Cost Sharing Cooperation in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore: Navigational Safety and Marine Pollution University of Edinburgh Law School  
Randrianantenaina, Jean Madagascar 2012-2013 Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships: Exploring the Legal and the Operational Solutions. The Case of Madagascar Marine Affairs Programme,
Dalhousie University
Monje, Teresa Philippines 2012-2013 Maritime Enforcement in The Philippines: Issues And challenges Australian National Centre for
Ocean Resources & Security, University of Wollongong
Cortes, Liliana Rodriguez Mexico 2011-2012 Legal and Management Framework for the Sustainable Management of Marine Protected Areas in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System: An Analysis for the Mexican Approach University of Rhode Island  
Bosque, Ana Lilian Yon Guatemala 2011-2012 Climate Change and the Protection of Guatemalan Marine-Coastal Ecosystems National University of Galway  
Djama, Abbas Daher Djibouti 2011-2012 The phenomenon of Piracy off the Coast of Somalia: Challenges and Solutions of the International Community Columbia University  
Ganjaliyev, Elchin Azerbaijan 2011-2012

Building Azerbaijan鈥檚 Legal Framework for Marine Operations on the Basis of UNCLOS

Southampton University  
Rasaa, Osama A. Yemen 2011-2012 Dangerous Goods Carried by Sea: Is the Current Regime Fit for Purpose? An examination of the Carriage of the Goods by the Seas Convention and International Provisions in respect to the Carriage of Dangerous Goods Ghent University  
Agbeja, Yetunde E. Nigeria 2011-2012 Evaluation of the Laws, Policies and Governance Structure of the Nigerian Fisheries Saint Mary鈥檚 University  
Niamchay, Kasem Thailand 2011-2012 The Codification of The Law of the Sea And its Implications For The Royal Thai Navy University of Virginia  
Campos, Gian Pierre Peru 2011-2012 The Legal Regime of The Continental Shelf and The Establishment of the Outer Limits Of The Continental Shelf Beyond The 200 Nautical Miles Southampton University  
Al Nabhani, Mustafa Darwish Oman 2011-2012 An Omani approach for addressing Piracy off the E.C of Africa Dalhousie University  
Kauraisa, Dinah C.V. Namibia 2011-2012   University of Delaware  
Tran, Ha Viet Viet Nam 2010-2011 Contemporary Trends in Vessel Boarding: An Overview Tulane University  
Polejack, Andrei Brazil 2010-2011 Enhancing the Policies in Support of the Marine Sciences in Brazil Dalhousie University  
Sine, Robert Papua New Guinea 2010-2011 Regional Marine Planning Approach-Apreparatory Step Towards Integrated Marine Policy Development in Papua New Guinea University of Delaware  
Sei, Sheku Sierra Leone 2010-2011 Fisheries Governance Reform in Sierra Leone: Law, Policy and Institutional Arrangements National University of Ireland  
Dyspriani, Plite Indonesia 2010-2011 Traditional fishing rights: analysis of state practice University of Wollongong  
Taholo, Ana Tonga 2010-2011 The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: Challenges facing Implementation by Small Islands Developing States with a focus on Tonga University of Wollongong  
Chaves, Maria Garcia Colombia 2010-2011 Towards the Integrated Management of Maritime Cultural Resources: A Model of Action for Its Implementation By The Colombian Navy University of Edinburgh  
Yona, Gloria Tanzania 2010-2011 Analysis of Tanzania鈥檚 Legislation in the Context of the International Law Relating to the Protection and Preservation of Endangered Marine Species Utrecht University School of Law  
Mohiuddin, Mohammad Bangladesh 2010-2011 Resolution of the Maritime Boundaries Dispute Between Bangladesh and its Neighbouring Countries in the Context of UNCLOS: A Case Study  University of Milan-Bicocca  
Adi, Mazen Syria 2008-2009                    Second Secretary, Sixth Committee Expert, Perm. Mission to UN in NY, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Akohou, Rodrigue Benin 2007-2008    
Akwilapo, Flora Tanzania 2006-2007 School of Tropical Studies and Geography, James Cook University (Townsville, Australia) Senior Environment Management Officer, National Environment Management Council
Alsied, Adel Omar Libya 2005-2006 School of Law University of Southampton  
Arsana, I Made Andi Indonesia 2007-2008    
Bitse Ekomo, Christophe Bertrand Cameroon 2007-2008    
Capahi, Ritche Philippines 2007-2008    
Capistrano, Robert Philippines 2009-2010 St. Mary鈥檚 University  
Cifuentes, Bryslie Guatemala 2008-2009 Melbourne University Law School (Victoria, Australia) Legal Advisor, Fisheries and Aquaculture Unit, Ministry of Agriculture
Costa-Alegre, Me-Chinho Sao Tome and Principe 2009-2010 University of West Indies  
Curiel, Raul Venezuela 2009-2010 Tulane University  
Dehghani, Reza Iran 2008-2009 Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, (Heidelberg, Germany) Legal Officer in Charge of Border Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dorah, Rudolfo Solomon Islands 2006-2007 Gerard J. Mangone Center for Marine Policy, University of Delaware (Newark, U.S.A.) Assistant Secretary, Regional Economic Cooperation Branch
Dundua, Nugzar Georgia 2006-2007 Centre for Maritime Law, Queensland University (Brisbane, Australia) Attachee, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Engler, Cecilia Chile 2006-2007 Marine and Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) Legal Counsel, Under-Secretariat for Fisheries, Ministry of Economy
Etoga, Galax Yves Landry Etoga Cameroon 2008-2009 Centre d'Etudes et de R茅cherches sur le Droit des Activit茅s Maritimes et l'Environnement (CERDAME), Institut du Droit et de la Paix et du D茅veloppement, Universit茅 de Nice Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France) Legal Affairs Officer, Ministry of External Relations
Ferreria, Izildo Mozambique 2008-2009 Developing an Integrated Ocean's Policy for Mozambique   Legal Adviser, National Institute for Maritime and Sea Affairs
Garcia, Michael Lyndon Philippines 2005-2006 Centre for Marine Policy Wollongong University  
Hoque, Muhammad Nazmul Bangladesh 2005-2006 Legal and Scientific Assessment of Bangladesh鈥檚 Baseline in the Context of Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Marine Law and Ocean Policy Centre National University of Ireland at Galway  
Hosanee, Nivedita Mauritius 2009-2010 University of Milan  
Iteraera, Ruria Kiribati 2009-2010 Queensland University  
Jamine, Elisio Benedito Mozambique 2006-2007 Centre for Oceans Law and Policy, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, U.S.A.) Centre for Oceans Law and Policy, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, U.S.A.)
Khemakorn, Pakjuta Thailand 2006-2007 Centre for Maritime Policy, University of Wollongong (Wollongong, Australia) Fisheries Biologist in Southern Marine Fisheries R&D Centre, Department of Fisheries
Kibiwot, Robert Kenya 2007-2008 Towards the formulation of Kenya鈥檚 integrated Ocean Management Policy including Institutional Framework    
Kwadjosse, Theodore Ghana 2008-2009 The Law of the Sea: Impacts on the Conservation and Management of Fisheries Resources of Developing Coastal States 鈥 Case Study of Ghana Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law, Edinburgh University (Edinburgh, U.K.) Assistant Fisheries Officer, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries
Lokita, Sora
Indonesia 2009-2010 The strategic role of archipelagic baselines in maritime boundary delimitation Wollongong University  
Lovell, Tricia
Antigua and Barbuda 2007-2008 Regionalism versus National Sovereignty: The Promise and Problems of a CARICOM Fisheries Agreement    
Mathew, Ansy N.P.
India 2008-2009 Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management in India National Oceanography Centre (NERC), (Southampton, U.K.) Senior Technical Assistant (Fisheries), Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture
Mendis, Chinthaka Sri Lanka 2006-2007 Sovereignty vs. trans-boundary environmental harm: The evolving International law obligations and the Sethusamuduram Ship Channel Project Harvard Law School (Cambridge, U.S.A.) Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mohamed, Ahamada Comoros 2007-2008 Vers une Politique Maritime et Oc茅anique Comorienne au XXIl猫me Si猫cle (In French) "Towards a Comorian Maritime and Oceanic Policy in the XXIst Century    
Mom, Ravin Cambodia 2005-2006 Maritime Boundaries and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms and ITLOS and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law The Max Plank Institute  
Moseley, Aleeza Barbados 2009-2010 Maritime security in the Caribbean: Challenges to implementation of the international regime Virginia University  
Nasuchon, Nopparat Thailand 2008-2009 Coastal Management and Community Management in Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, with a case study of Thai Fisheries Management Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Canada) Fishery Biologist, Marine Fisheries Research and Development Centre
Natova, Anna Bulgaria 2005-2006 The Relationship Between United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the IMO Conventions Centre for Ocean Law and Policy University of Virginia School of Law  
Nguyen, Dong Vietnam 2005-2006 Settlement of Disputes Under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The Case of the South China Sea Dispute Centre for Marine Law University of Queensland  
Nurhidayah, Laely Indonesia 2009-2010 Toward an integrated ocean and costal management: A comparative study on the laws and policies of ocean and coastal resources and its implementation in Indonesia and USA University of Massachusetts at Boston  
Oliveira, Uria Brazil 2007-2008 The Role of the Brazilian Ports in the Improvement of the National Ballast Water Management Program According the Provisions of the International Ballast Water    
Ome Baron, Aura Tatiana Colombia 2007-2008 Constructing the Notion of the Maritime Cultural Heritage in the Colombian Territory: Tools for the Protection and Conservation of Fresh and Salt Aquatic Surroundings    
Panjarat, Sampan Thailand 2007-2008 Sustainable Fisheries in the Andaman Sea Coast of Thailand    
Persand, Sharveen Mauritius 2005-2006 A Practical Overview of Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Newbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering University of Oklahoma  
Randrianarisoa, Ylenia Madagascar 2006-2007 Application du droit et la politique internationaux dans la politique et l茅gislation de la gestion des p锚ches malgaches
(In French with English Abstract) "Malagasy Fisheries Management: Political, jurisdiction and administration analyses for a lasting resource
Centre de Droit Maritime et Oc茅anique, Universit茅 de Nantes (Nantes, France) Civil Servant, Direction Regionale de Devlopment Rural CDD, Insitute Hallieutique et des Sciences Marines
Sara-Repetto, Miriam Peru 2005-2006 Towards an Ocean Governance Framework and National Ocean Policy for Peru  Dalhousie University Law School  
Siry, Hendra Indonesia 2006-2007 Making Decentralized Coastal Zone Management Work for the Southeast Asian Region: Comparative Perspectives Department of Environmental, Earth and Ocean Sciences (EEOS), University of Massachusetts Boston (Boston, U.S.A.) Head of Program Development Section, Planning Division, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research (AFMR), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF)
Singh, Asha Guyana 2008-2009 Governance in the Caribbean Sea: Implications for Sustainable Development Marine Affairs Programme, Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) in partnership with the International Ocean Institute-Canada (Halifax, Canada) Researcher, The Cropper Foundation
Solofa, Anama Samoa 2009-2010 Ocean Governance in Samoa: A case study of Ocean Governance in the South Pacific University of Delaware  
Tanga, Justin Cameroon 2009-2010 The practice of joint development zones by costal States in the Gulf of Guinea: local relevance and efficiency of a modern diplomatic instrument University of Nice  
Thang, Mang Hau Myanmar 2006-2007 Issues Relating to the Delineation and Delimitation of Myanmar鈥檚 Continental Shelf in Accordance with the Article 76 of the 1982 UNCLOS Marine Law and Ocean Policy Centre, National University of Ireland 鈥 Galway (Galway, Ireland) Head of Branch, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (delimitation of continental shelf and UNCLOS issues)
Turan, Murat Turkey 2008-2009 Turkey鈥檚 Oil Spill Response Policy: Influences and Implementation School for the Environment, University of Massachusetts Boston (Boston, U.S.A.) Environmental Engineer, Department of Marine and Costal Management, Ministry of Environment
Turnquest, Natasha Bahamas 2005-2006 Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary Between the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the United States of America: A Case Study Tulane University Law School  
Walker, LaVerne St. Lucia 2005-2006 Towards the Development of a Coastal Zone Management Strategy and Action Plan for Saint Lucia Centre for Marine Policy University of Delaware