
Friends of LDCs discuss implementation of the Doha Programme of Action and the Road to Doha

On 11 October 2022 the Permanent Representative of Türkiye, H.E. Mr. Feridun H. Sinirlio?lu, hosted a meeting of the Friends of LDCs under the theme of Implementation of the Doha Programme of Action () and the Road to Doha. He flagged the importance of access to food and improved nutrition in LDCs and commended OHRLLS for preparing the Report of the Secretary-General on Food Insecurity in LDCs.

The Permanent Representative of Belgium, H.E. Mr. Philippe Kridelka, co-chair of the Group of Friends, highlighted the importance of promoting decent work in LDCs and advocated for strengthening resilience of health systems, two key priorities of the DPoA.

The Permanent Representative of Malawi, H.E. Ms. Agnes Mary Chimbiri-Molande, indicated that enhanced support by the Friends of LDCs is needed, including through Official Development Assistance and Aid for Trade to reach the ambitious goals of the DPoA despite the devastating effects of the cascading crises.

Participants welcomed H.E. Ms. Sheikha Alya Ahmed Al Thani, Permanent Representative of Qatar in joining as a co-chair of the Group of Friends. She assured participants that preparations for the fifth United Nations Conference on LDCs (LDC5) are fully on track.

Ms. Rabab Fatima, Under Secretary-General and High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS and Secretary-General of the LDC5 indicated that the upcoming LDC5 Conference in Doha provides a great opportunity to mobilize global support and urged participants to come to Doha at the highest political level with firm commitments. She stated that the international community can demonstrate that the needs of the most vulnerable countries really are at the top of the agenda, by making this conference a success. She further informed that the substantive work on the implementation of the DPOA is already underway. She reported that the Sustainable Graduation Support Facility, which was created under the Inter-Agency Task Force on LDCs graduation, chaired by OHRLLS, has started pilot projects. She also informed about preparations for LDC5, which are in full swing, on all tracks: intergovernmental, private sector, civil society, parliamentarians and youth.

During the discussion participants highlighted the need to bring all stakeholders on board to accelerate the implementation of the DPoA. This includes the UN system on the ground through the Resident Coordinators. The links between the DPoA and other important processes, including the COP27 in 2022 and the SDG Summit in 2023 were also mentioned. Furthermore, gender equality was recognized as a basis for progress in all other areas.