
Communication Tips

If you are looking for a few pointers to help you address the situation you're facing, you'll find some practical tips here to help you have a fruitful conversation.

Take 5

Is someone’s behaviour upsetting you? Instead of starting a fight, there are simple ways to have a constructive conversation. Here are five practical actions to help you with it.


Give Feedback – Positively!

Working in a team can often be challenging. If not shared constructively and respectfully, feedback can hurt. Thankfully, giving constructive feedback is a skill that can be learned; here's how.


The Power of Apologies

The healing effect of an apology can best be achieved when one has a chance to clearly define the harmful behaviour, apologize and indicate how future misunderstandings can be avoided.


Email Exchanges: Productive or Destructive?

Emails are an integral part of our daily life. There’s no escaping them. They can be very useful, or dreadful. Let's see how we can deal with them and avoid unnecessary tensions.


Dealing with Criticism - Constructively

While we may originally be feeling attacked or offended, and looking for revenge or a diversion, dealing properly with criticism may offer an opportunity for personal growth.


Difficult Conversation Ahead? Be At Ease!

Controlling difficult situations and dealing with them proactively and positively can be challenging. Here are some tips on how to approach a “difficult conversation”.


Performance evaluation discussion? The Ombudsman can help!

A performance evaluation discussion can be stressful, but if you are well prepared, you can learn a lot and build your relationship with your supervisor/supervisee. We can help!
