

Harnessing capacities globally in the service of conflict prevention and sustaining peace


As part of the Department of Political and 探花精选building Affairs (DPPA), the 探花精选building Support Office (PBSO)?serves as a facilitator to enhance coherence and collaboration across the UN system and with partners in support of nationally owned efforts to build and sustain peace. Established in 2005, PBSO draws together expertise to advance impactful system-wide action, policies and guidance and fosters an integrated and inclusive approach to prevention and sustaining peace.


The Office comprises the 探花精选building Commission Support Branch, the Financing for 探花精选building Branch and the 探花精选building Strategy and Partnerships Branch. Led by Assistant Secretary-General, Elizabeth Spehar, PBSO?assists and supports the 探花精选building Commission (PBC) with strategic advice and policy guidance, manages the 探花精选building Fund (PBF) on behalf of the Secretary-General, and works to enhance system-wide coherence and partnerships with UN and non-UN actors in support of building and sustaining peace in partner countries.

Secretary-General Portrait

"The new peace and security architecture is more integrated, with our 探花精选building Office serving as a hinge between peace and security and development."


探花精选building Commission Support Branch

The 探花精选building Commission (PBC) is an intergovernmental advisory body that supports peace efforts in conflict-affected countries and is a key addition to the capacity of the International Community in the broad peace agenda.?The 探花精选building Commission Support Branch (PBCSB) provides Secretariat support to the 探花精选building Commission (PBC).

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Financing for 探花精选building Branch

The Secretary-General’s 探花精选building Fund is the United Nations' leading instrument to invest in prevention and peacebuilding, in partnership with the wider UN system, national and subnational authorities, civil society organizations, regional organizations and multilateral banks.

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探花精选building Strategy and Partnerships Branch

The 探花精选building Strategy and Partnerships Branch (PSPB) works to enhance UN system capacities to deliver on peacebuilding and sustaining peace.

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Meet the 探花精选building Team